Carissime amiche,
alcune di voi già sapranno che tra le mie passioni (molte in verità) vi sono le tazze da thé in porcellana. Tre le mie preferite le porcellane inglesi (adoro il transferware!!!!!!!!!!) e quelle bavaresi.
Pur possedendo delle bellissime tazze inglesi molto antiche, questa sera ho deciso di fare la mia entrée nel Tea Cup Tuesday ospitato da Martha di Martha's Favorites immortalando una semplicissima tazza da te vintage della Arzberg il cui color crema, la forma rotondeggiante ed il decoro di delicatissimi boccioli di rose dai colori tenui ed invitanti hanno più di ogni altra attratto la mia attenzione per questa occasione speciale.
My dearest friends,
I decided to join the fun of Tea Cup Tuesday hosted by Martha of Martha's Favorites tonight. As you probably all know by now I have a passion for china in general, tea cups being my faves.
I simply adore English china (I have a thing for transferware!!!!!!!!!!!!) and own quite a number of mismatched, one-of-a-kind pieces - antique, vintage or simply new ones which I keep in my china cupboard just for the simple pleasure of looking at them time and time again, whenever in desperate search for beauty in my everyday. Age doesn't really matter when choosing to buy one cup rather than another, as long as I'm intrigued by the pattern - flowers decors being those I love most. However I must admit that I'm quite impartial to certain potters such as allertons, aynsley, paragon, roslyn, redfern & drakeford, just to name a few. Who wouldn't be, after all, when in front of marvellous collectors' cups from those wonderful days of old?
I also love Bavarian china and for today's occasion I decided to share a vintage cream colored Arzberg tea cup, sugar bowl and creamer which were a lucky find of 9 cups plus creamer and sugar bowl that I got from a secod hand store for less than 7 Euros. I fell in love with the chubby profile and clean curves of the set, the soft pale colors and inviting rose buds decor. It may not be one of my best sets and certainly not the most precious,
but I sure love it and thought it'd be the right one for my first entrée in this lovely weekly appointment.
Although it's way past teatime in Italy, get your tea ready, grab your fave tea cup, make yourself comfy, curl up on your sofa, and enjoy your visits.
Until our next appointment, wish you all a most pleasant evening.
Y Rita
Hi Rita, what a lovely little tea cup set. I too love cups and saucers, but for some reason I have more sugar and creamers than anything else! They do bring beauty of the garden indoors and give me a real treat at tea time.
soft colors, very pretty!
RispondiEliminaHi Rita!
RispondiEliminaThis is such a pretty soft set of china! And what a wonderful thrifty find! I love to have lots of different designs and styles of pretty teacup settings. it is such a fun thing to collect. And they always bringa smile to my face!
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Rita..yay .Bella...what a wonderful tea set..super beautiful! What a charming post and lovely to read! Happy tea Time..Saluti! is way past tea time in Italy..Buona Notte!!
How lovely and beautiful your tea cup is. It looks so soft. I have enjoyed my visit to your blog and thanks for stopping by mine. Have a great rest of the week.
RispondiEliminaHello Rita! So glad you joined Teacup Tuesday. Also, gratzi for visiting my blog and commenting. Believe it or not, I bought the Royal Albert cup in Marshall's department store and it was very affordable! Please come back to visit my blog any time. I will always love to have you! Arrivaderci! (Hope I spelled that right. ha! ) Susan
RispondiEliminaSo delicate and divine Rita! I love this set. It was nice to visit your lovely blog today. Thank you for joining Martha and I in Tea Cup Tuesday : )
RispondiEliminaRita, I love your teacups, so delicate, just lovely. How awesome to get to talk to someone in Italy!!!! Thank you so much for stopping by to see my transferware. I appreciate your sweet comments. Hoping to talk again. Love your blog.
RispondiEliminaHi: I am so happy that you have joined us for Tea Cup Tuesday. I love the set you chose. I can't wait to see what you will show us next week. Blessings, Martha
RispondiEliminaRita, that is one lovely set! Bavaria, the most sought after teaset.. you are lucky to find lovely treasures
RispondiEliminaBonjour dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaWhat a beautiful tea set, the colors are so soft. Will have to visit Martha from here.
Are you having Spring beak this week? Hope all is well with you, we need to talk soon and catch up!
Have a good day my dear!
Good morning dearest Rita!
RispondiEliminaI am actually going to sit down to some tea RIGHT NOW before I leave for work and your lovely set here is the right thing I need to make that tea go down even better! So good to see you this morning!
Have a marvelous day dearest one....Anita
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminaWhat a beautiful soft and feminine set... I have never seen one like it.. Totally gorgeous!
Lou xx
Hello my sweet Rita, I've missed you. I am on a little vacation right now, and I am visiting the White Wednesday group. Love your tea set. I bought a new tea cup and saucer in an antic store here.
RispondiEliminacome visit
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment! It made me happy! What a lovely tea set!!! Have a nice day (or evening)!!
RispondiElimina:) Kristin
Very kind set of Tea Cup, expecially if the tea is drank after a day of hard work.
RispondiEliminaDear Rita
RispondiEliminaThank you for lovely comments ♥ beautiful pictures in your blog too.
Hope you are fine, love MissMette
Hello my dear Rita, Thank you very much for your nice comments!!!!! Your set with a rose is very beautiful!!!
RispondiEliminaHave a nice day and very nice sunny new week
Hugs Fleurette
Rita darling I love this set of yours. You found a bargain and a treasure all rolled in one. May your teacups be always full of freshly brewed tea my sweet friend. Enjoy your day.
RispondiEliminaLove & Hugs
RispondiEliminaBedankt voor je mailtje
ik kan niet zo goed engels schrijven
maar het was wel leuk een berichtje van
jou te ontvangen
Have a nice day thank you
vriendelijke groet
Brocante de Knotwilg
Hi Rita, glad our blogs crossed, yours is lovely! That sweet tea set of you is adorable. I love the soft colored rose. Do enjoy each and every cup of tea {I'm sure you will!}
RispondiEliminaHave a great new week! xo
Contattami al mio indirizzo e-mail, ti spiego il cerusèe, è facilissimo.
Ciao Rita, le tue ceramiche sono stupende con queste rose così delicate e romantiche.
Ciao Irene
Hi Rita, love when I hear from you...Make your daughter some of these eggs next easter...Love your tea set. I never hardly drink tea..I like it but dont know why I dont. I come from tea drinkers...but have habit of drinking diet pop.Bad isnt it. Now our state is going to put a tax on this pop..not fair...Love your pic of you dog.I am a dog lover. I melt when I see one. Especially a big one. As you may know we lost our baby Hank last year..hubby and I both cant talk about him..we tear up..what is his name? Take care..gosh I can ramble...sally