Per questa occasione ho deciso di condividere con voi delle tazze di porcellana inglese dal decoro orientale ereditata dalla mia mamma. Sono finissime ed il decoro, così delicato e discreto, le rende uniche.
Tirate fuori la vostra tazza preferita, mettete a bollire l'acqua, lasciate riposare il thè ed unitvi a me per una buona tazza di thè. Dato l'orario in Italia (io sono sempre la ritardataria) sarebbe meglio una buona tisana rilassante per prepararci per la notte. In ogni caso , qualunque sia la vostra scelta, mettetevi comode e soffermatevi con me da rita's shabby chic rose. Sarò deliziate di avervi qui per una serata tra ragazze.
Well my dear friends, it looks like it's been again one week without posting. I need to be hit on the hands I'm afraid... I'm so exhausted though gals as after work we visited two houses and came home quite late to find my DD feeling sick. We fear it might be appendicitis and we'll go see our family doctor first thing tomorrow. hope we'll be alright during the night.Nevertheless, no matter what, I couldn't miss Martha and Terri's Tea Cup Tuesday appointment as I'm truly having a whole lot of fun showing off my small collection of tea cups. This time I wanted to share with you my oriental decor English china cups - actually the whole set, hope it's allowed LOL.
They were passed down to me by my mom and I find them so unique: could be the very fine porcelain, the golden accents, the delicate and soft-colored floral decor... hard to tell, but this is what I was in the mood for today and chose them among many others .
So, take your fave cup, boil some water, brew some tea of your choice and join me for tea tonight. Again, given the local time in Italy it'd be more appropriate to go for a herbal tea . However, whatever your choice will, be I'll be delighted to have you over for a girls' tea night at rita's shabby chic rose.

...and now the whole set...

A presto!
And while still sipping your tea do not forget to visit Martha @ and Terri @
to admire all the lovelies shown by our sweet hostesses and the dear bloggerettes that have joined this week's appointment .
to admire all the lovelies shown by our sweet hostesses and the dear bloggerettes that have joined this week's appointment .
A bientot
Y Rita
Hi Rita! Wow..beautiful..wonderful cups..they are so pretty and wow..they are so special! Hope everything is ok with wishes! Beautiful lovely to visit you..have a super beautiful day!
Oh goodness Rita these are stunning! Such a gorgeous pattern.
RispondiEliminaI so hope all is well with your dear daughter. That would be such a worry. Blessing to her and to you dear friend.
Ciao Rita
RispondiEliminasono una drogata di The..e questo post non aiuta;-)))
Hai delle tazze bellissime, davvero fini e delicate ..perfette anche per la tisana della sera mia cara!
Complimenti !
a presto, Flaviana
you got such lovely teaset.. am pretty sure you enjoy using it.. have a good week!
Le tue tazze sono meravigliose credo che ne vai fiera ...chissà che un giorno non venga a prendere il thè nella tua nuova casertta con giardino,e con le panchine bianche stile Shabby?
✿ Annalisa ✿
Oh Rita, this is beautiful, especially with that blue ribbon! THAT IS THE PERFECT TOUCH MY DEAR! Oh Rita, I so understand how tired you are...I came home yesterday from work, ate dinner and immediately feel asleep. My sleep was as and even more delicious than my dinner!
RispondiEliminaDo take care....we love you, Rita! Anita
I totally understand how tired you are after working all day! These are just darling tea cups! The pattern on them is just so dainty!
What a beautiful set. You have such a lovely collection of tea cups.
RispondiEliminaBest wishes,
Lovely tea set Rita..Hope your DD is well soon. Take time for yourself and get some rest. Blessing..
What a lovely set. The delicate blue flowers are the perfect accent to such delicate pieces. Hoping DD is feeling well soon.Have a lovely day my blog friend. Katherine
RispondiEliminaYou have such a pretty tea set! I hope that your DD is doing much better soon, and that it isn't appendicitis.
RispondiEliminaThank you for taking the time to share your pretty china with us.
What a beautiful tea set. I love the cups. Thank you so much for sharing. I can't wait to see what you will show us next week. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha
RispondiEliminaDearest Rita, I hope your daughter is well today. Your tea set from your mom is so dainty and pretty. Love how you tied the little spoon with the napkin. Lovely! I do wish I could come sit and have tea with you. Many blessings, tammy
RispondiEliminaBonjour dear RIta,
RispondiEliminaSorry I've been getting behind in my comments. I do hope your DD is okay and it is not appendicitis? Will be praying for her.
No apologies necessary, you are working hard. Love your dear Mom's lovely tea set. I know how much you enjoy using it.
Wishing you all a good weekend,
Sweet as tea with lots of sugar and cream!
Vedendo queste meravigliose tazze da tea, convengo che sono molto belle e decisamente attraenti per una buona tazza di te.
RispondiEliminaUn saluto.
Hi Rita! What a beautiful treasure from your mom! I can see why you love it so!
RispondiEliminaThanks for stopping by! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminathanks for the beautiful tea....
and it's okay if you're partial to the italian I'm glad you like it....!!!!
ciao bella
a great weekend to you...and no worries, post when you can!!!
creative carmelina
RispondiEliminaWonderful gift from your mother...lots of nice memories. Hope you daughter is doing well. Have a great weekend.
Hi Rita!
RispondiEliminaSo nice to have you come by for TEA! I absolutely LOVE your sweet tea goodies!
Hope you dd is feeling better!
Rita, these are beautiful. What a treasure!
RispondiEliminaThank you Rita for your
fijne week nog
vriendelijke groetjes Manja
sorry for my englisch
dear rita,
RispondiEliminai am so worried about your daughter, because my
daughter's appendix ruptured.
the only certain symptom of appendicitis is their
stooped over posture. it hurts too much to stand
up straight.
i will be praying.
Very pretty! So perfect to be shown on our Victoria Tea Party, next Monday! ;) Wish you could participate... come see!
Beautiful, teacups and napkins tied with a lovely blue velvet ribbon!
Bonjour dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaJust wanted to let you know I just did a little post and included the Scrap Award you shared with me. THank you again,
WIshing you a wonderful Mother's Day and bon week-end my friend,
Ciao Rita! Sono molto affascinato dal vostro blog bello ... le tazze da tè sono incantevoli ... sei così fortunata ad aver loro.
P.S. Google "Translate" helped me send you this comment in Italian!