Carissime amiche, ieri con mio grande entusiasmo è arrivato il mio giveway da parte di Mimi di Bonjour Romance. Ero piena di anticipazione nell'aprire il pacchetto, nonostante cià sapessi cosa vi avrei trovato...eppure la sorpresa e l'entusiasmo sono stati qulli di un fanciullo nell'aprire i suoi doni.
Non vi terrò sulle spine e quindi govedeti le foto di questo adorabile porta talco in vetro ed argento. Una vera chicca come soltanto Mimi poteva trovare.
Mi dearest friends, much to my excitement my giveway from Mimi of Bonjour Romance arrived yesterday. Although I already knew what I'd find in there, I opened the packaged with the same anticipation and excitement of a child opening his gifts.
Do not what you to sit on pins and needles, so enjoy the pics of this precious silver-topped vanity bottle which I'm definitely going to use for my rose-scented body powder, or maybe even body sparkles.

Two delightful beveled mirror hearts to be added to my collection
E anche 2 raffinati porta candele di porcellana bianca. Il tutto ha trovato immediatamente il proprio posto in casa.

And also two finest white porcelain votive holders: so precious...
No wonder everything immediately found the right place in my apartment!
Grazie di cuore, mia cara Mimi, per la tua generosità ed il tuo estremo buongusto! Custodirò gelosamente ogni oggetto. Ed il biglietto che ha accompagnato i tuoi doni è stata la cosa più dolce e preziosa. Ho veramente trovato in Mimi una carissima, sincera e dolce amica di blog.
Ed ora mie care prendete una tazza di buon caffè, thè o tisana a seconda dell'orario in cui vi trovate e fate un salto a visitare il meraviglioso mondo di Bonjour Romance
Oh my dearest Mimi, thank you so much for your kindness, generosity and good taste in choosing your precious gifts: I will treasure each of them dearly. And your card was the sweetest and most precious of all as in you Mimi I've truly found a dear, caring and kind-hearted bloggy friends.
And now my dear all, grab a nice cup of coffee, tea or herbal tea and pop over to visit the marvelous world of Bonjour Romance
Y Rita
And also two finest white porcelain votive holders: so precious...
No wonder everything immediately found the right place in my apartment!

Ed ora mie care prendete una tazza di buon caffè, thè o tisana a seconda dell'orario in cui vi trovate e fate un salto a visitare il meraviglioso mondo di Bonjour Romance
Oh my dearest Mimi, thank you so much for your kindness, generosity and good taste in choosing your precious gifts: I will treasure each of them dearly. And your card was the sweetest and most precious of all as in you Mimi I've truly found a dear, caring and kind-hearted bloggy friends.
And now my dear all, grab a nice cup of coffee, tea or herbal tea and pop over to visit the marvelous world of Bonjour Romance
Y Rita
I love Bonjour Romance's blog. She definitely puts a little ooh-la-la in our lives.
RispondiEliminaNice gifts too.
Rita, Mimi has such wonderful taste and style. And it shows with the beautiful things that she has chosen to send to you dear friend. They are all lovely.
Carissima Rita hai delle amiche preziose e di buon gusto ...le cose che ti ha regalato sono magnifiche sono in tipico stile shabby..ti invidio un pò !!!
RispondiEliminaBuon fine settimana a presto!!!
Oh how she spoiled you! Mimi is a dear and so are you for being patient with me in sending your GIFT!!!! Yikes, I have to go TODAY for my sweet Rita! Congratulations dearest! You are a beautiful blogger, so kind and graced with a style that is so dear.
RispondiEliminaHave a lovely day out in your beautiful part of the world! Anita
ciao!! I am Italian from naples Italy and living in california now.. im a new blogger stopping by glad to have found you.. really like your tast!!
RispondiEliminaDonatella [;
Hello Rita darling, you are one lucky girl to have received so many lovely pressies from darling Mimi. The shaker with some rose powder will simply be heavenly to have and use. Luv, thank you so much for visiting me and for all the kind comments, you are a good friend, a treasure and I am so glad our blogs crossed. Have a blessed Sunday.
RispondiEliminaLove & Hugs
This give-away is really pretty, dearest Rita! Congratulations!!!!
RispondiEliminaLots of hugs, Traude
With a little delay I have seen you post I thing that is very beautiful.
Bonjour Rita,
RispondiEliminaYou are too sweet with your kind words. I am so glad you are happy. I am so thankful that I have found you too my dear friend!
I wish you a good week.