Carissime amiche, con grande sorpresa la dolcissima Vianne di Mon Petit Bonheur http://vianne-monpetitbonheur.blogspot.com/ mi ha inviato un invito per un Inspiring Blog Award. E' il mio secondo award e sono umilmente onorata di essere stata tra la persone cui lei ha voluto trasmettere questo riconoscimento Fate un salto nel suo meraviglioso blog per conoscerla e per scoprire, se già non li conoscete, gli altri bellissimi blog cui ha trasmesso l'award.
Dal momento che ora è il mio turno, ho pensato di trasmetterlo alle amiche che troverete elencate di seguito e che vi invito a visitare al più presto per godere della bellezza ed ispirazione dei loro blog
My dearest friends, Vianne from Mon Petite Bonheur http://vianne-monpetitbonheur.blogspot.com/ sent me an invitation for an Inspiring Blog Award. This is my second award and again I feel so humbly honored she has chosen me among so many gorgeous blogs to pass it along to. Pop over her wonderful blog to get to know her and find out the other amazing blogs she has passed along to.
As it is now my turn, I would like to pass it along to the sweet friends listed below:
Anita from Castles Crowns and Cottages http://wwwcastlescrownscottages.blogspot.com/
Mimi from Bonjour Romance http://bonjourromance.blogspot.com/
Eliana from Ma Boite a Frou Frous http://maboiteafroufrous.blogspot.com/
Malgoska from Low Flying Angels http://lowflyingangels.blogspot.com/
Annalisa from Country Chic Ladyhttp://www.countrychiclady.com/
Miro from Shabby e Dintorni http://shabbyedintorni.blogspot.com/
Una settimana favolosa a tutte!
Have a fab week!
Y Rita
Dear, dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaSince the first time I "met" you, my heart was filled with joy of seeing a soul that loves beauty and is kind. You are a dear for mentioning me here; I know Mimi and isn't she kind? Some how, the consistency of care, kindness and beauty DOES get communicated through the internet and I am honored to have "inspired" you! Blessings to you and your family my sweet friend. I am glad that you blog is no longer experiencing that annoying advertisement invasion!
Happy Monday, Anita
Sono veramente lusingata del tuo Award ed ho fatto una capatina nel Blog di Vianne è veramente chic ...sono contenta che hai risolto il tuo problema con il Blog !!Grazie ancora !E buona settimana anche a te!!
Dear Rita!
RispondiEliminaThank you that you mentioned my blog and I hope that you don´t have any problems with your blog how you wrote me...
Happy new week my friend!
Ciao Rita, aprendo il blog questa mattina ho trovato la tua supergradita sorpresa. Grazie per aver pensato a me.
RispondiEliminaUn abbraccio
Ciao Rita!!!
RispondiEliminaChe piacere conoscerti!
Seppure in ritardo augurissimi di buon compleaano!
Grazie mille per essere passata a trovarmi e per il tuo commento davvero carinissimo!
Il tuo blog promette già bene dal profilo (wow, le dacie!)...ed ora me lo gusto con calma!
Un abbraccione e a presto!
Dear Rita:)Thank you so much!!!
RispondiEliminaTo tyle co umiem napisać Tobie po angielsku.
Serdecznie dziękuję za tak miłe wyróżnienie i bardzo się cieszę,że możemy się nawzajem inspirować:)
Pozdrawiam ciepło
Bonjour Dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaThank you so much for sharing this lovely blog, and what wonderful company I am in. I will head over now to get to know these other blogs. I already know sweet Anita.
Thank you again, YOU my dear are inspiring!
Hola sweet and dear friend,
RispondiEliminaI just wanted to stop by because I haven't been over in a while and I wanted to see how you were doing. Hope that all is well with you. Sending you all my love. Oh! And congratulations on your well deserved award!
Hi Rita. Did you get your blog sorted out? I've been wanting to email you but days at work have been so busy and I am not finding the time to visit everyone as I would like. I hope all is fine now with you and I can continue to visit your wonderful blog. Take care and I'll still try to email you tomorrow -- if I don't forget, again! :) Have a great day. Tammy