Il mio post di oggi vuole essere un modo per ringraziare la mia più cara amica Irene per i meravigliosi regali di compleanno che mi ha inviato. Ebbene si, ieri èstato QUEL giorno dell'anno in cui i miei anni sono cresciuti e mi sono ritrovata quarantasettenne senza neppure accorgermene - si fa per dire!
Con Irene, che vive in Germania, siamo colleghe dal 2001 ed abbiamo condiviso gioie e dolori dello stesso capo per per 9 lunghi anni. Nonostante i nostri contattatti fossero soltanto telefonici e per e-mail, ci siamo trovate immediatamente in sintonia e da questo è nata una preziosa amicizia. Irene è SEMPRE molto generosa ed io ho voluto cogliere l'occasione di questo post per inviarle un ringraziamento speciale dalla blogosfera.
Come sono carini questi strofinacci da cucina con uno detergente per cucina alla lavanda... fa molto blog, oder?
My post today is meant to say THANK YOU to my dearest friend Irene, for the wonderful gifts she sent me for my Birthday. In fact, yesterday was THAT day of the year when I celebrated my birthday and without even realizing it I turned 47.
Irene lives in Germany and we became colleagues and right after good friends back in 2001 when sharing the "joys and sorrows" from having the same boss, and that for 9 long years, too. Irene is ALWAYS most generous and I want to take the opportunity of this post to send her a special thank-you from blogland.
Aren't these lavender blue kitchen towels and lavender kitchen cleaner very nice?
and what about these cute hand-made pot holders?
Couldn't resist the wonderful flowery smell of the Weleda wild rose body oil and wild rose face mask: had to try them right away... superb and so much like my blog, n'est-ce pas?
She knows I love soap: lavender and rose - definitely a must-have for a shabby chic rose
...e per rendere la vita più dolce...
...and to make life sweeter...
La foto non rende giustizia a questa deliziosa maglietta
The photo doesn't do justice to this lovely top
and since it's way past midnight, I'll jump into one of these cute pyjamas and bid you goodnight
Danke mein liebes Irenchen. Alles war super, wie immer!
Und... die Pralinen waren unbescreiblich gut.
Gute nacht!
Y Rita
Hello Rita... what beautiful gifts you received! Happy birthday to you! I hope all of your birthday wishes come true!... xoxo Julie Marie
RispondiEliminaRita! I am having trouble leaving you a message; HAPPY BIRTHDAY! OH MY YOU GOT SOME GREAT GIFTS! Oh I feel awful; I didn't know it was your birthday....I have to ship your package out TOMORROW! I have been way too busy, literally running around. Oh dear one, Happy Birthday! Anita
RispondiEliminaThe gifts are wonderful and Happy Birthday Rita! Love your I havent been here for awhile so will go see what you have new. Sally
RispondiEliminaBuon Compleano in ritardo Rita ,ma la tua è propio una grande amica ?
RispondiEliminamolto generosa e con grande gusto!!Complimenti ad Irene!!
Dear Rita!
RispondiEliminaI wish you all the best to your Birthday!!!
Nice gifts...
And happy week to you!
Dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaOh I did not know it was your birthday - Happy Birthday my sweet friend. Hope this year brings you and yours every blessing you so richly deserve.
What marvelous gifts your friend has packaged up for you, you are so special to so many.
Enjoy a fabulous birthday week Rita!
Hi dear Rita! Happy belated birthday to you. I hope you had a very special day. Your sweet friend sent you lots of wonderful gifts. What fun surprises! Wishing you all the best today and always. Blessings, Tammy
RispondiEliminaHi Rita,
RispondiEliminaI hope you had a wonderful birthday! You received such lovely things from your friend.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's very nice to "meet" you!
Take care,