Dopo qualche settimana di assenza al nostro appuntamento settimanale del White Wednesday ospitato da Kathleen di Faded Charm, eccomi di nuovo pronta a condividere con voi dei piccoli angoli bianchi che hanno fatto capolino nel mio appartamento.
Having missed some of our last weekly WW appointments hosted by Kathleen at Faded Charm, here I am again, eager to show you some of the white accents that are eyeing at me in my aparment, like this wonderful cream crocheted bed spread which is lying on my fave armchair in my family room.
Seguono in bella mostra i miei trofei portati a casa dall'ultimo mercatino dell'antiquariato dello scorso mese. Questo delizioso servizio da the non è molto vecchio ma è stato amore a prima vista dal momento che questi preziosi mughetti hanno attratto subito la mia attenzione fra tanta merce esposta enon ho potuto fare a meno di cedere alla tenzazione e portarlo a casa con me. Credetemi, trovargli un posto tale da rendergli giustizia è stata una vera impresa dato che non abbiamo più spazi liberi nel nostro appartamento e mia figlia non manca mai di farmelo notare... ma dopo tante prove e tentativi eccolo sistemato su di un curioso vassoio russo di rame avuto gratuitamente da Rose, la mia antiquaria di fiducia.
Un vecchio lenzuolo con le cifre ricamate a mano è stato trasformato in un utile ma non troppo pratico copri-divano (c'è voluta una vita per stirarlo ben bene). mi piace l'effetto shabby gustaviano!

Let me make a little show off of the pretty tropheys I brought home from my visit to last month's flea market. This vintage china coffee sets is only some 40+ years old but it was indeed a coup de foudre
as the lovely lily of the valley decor immediataly caught my eye and had to yield to temptation and bring it home. Must admit that finding a proper place to display this prettie turned out to be quite a challenge as we hardly have any empty places left in our small apartment -- and to top that off whenever I bring some new lovelie home my DD never misses the opportunity to remind me how filled to the brim we are . It took me some serious thinking but finally a darling Russian vintage copper tray which I got for free from my favorite antique vendor ended up to be the perfect place to display the set and I just love the way it all looks.
as the lovely lily of the valley decor immediataly caught my eye and had to yield to temptation and bring it home. Must admit that finding a proper place to display this prettie turned out to be quite a challenge as we hardly have any empty places left in our small apartment -- and to top that off whenever I bring some new lovelie home my DD never misses the opportunity to remind me how filled to the brim we are . It took me some serious thinking but finally a darling Russian vintage copper tray which I got for free from my favorite antique vendor ended up to be the perfect place to display the set and I just love the way it all looks.

An old monogrammed bed linen has been turned into a very useful - though not so practical cover for my sofa (it took me for ever and a day to iron it). Love the shabby gustavian look.
Bonjour Dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaOh you have found alot of treasures. The coffee set is simply beautiful - see you did find the perfect place for it. I had to laugh about that - I'm always trying to squeeze in just one more thing into my place.
The monogrammed bed linens is gorgeous along with those white tulips. I so enjoy all my visits here, I'd love to have coffee with you!
Happy White Wednesday to you too!
Your finds are lovely, especially the coffee set.
RispondiEliminaCindy at Lakewood
At last we have pleasure to see new WW from you, the coffee tea pots are delicious as the cutleries foe cake.
RispondiEliminaHave a good day Rita.
Bye Filippo.
P.S.:Also the previous post dedicated to your birthday is very beautiful.
So the monogrammed linen but would *not* have loved to iron it!
Such pretty whites. So glad you played along with us today.
RispondiEliminaEnjoy your week.
Hi Rita!
RispondiEliminaBeautiful white things you have on your pictures!!! I like the old monogram...
Have a nice day!
Ciao Rita quello che ho visto in questo blog è tutto assolutamente armonioso!
Ciao Rita che belli i tuoi lini tutti ricamati e che dre poi della paletta e del coltello da dolce !!!Veramente chic!!Baci!!
Rita I just love your WW posts. Always full of such beautiful things. Oh I love that monogrammed sofa cover so much! You always have the prettiest touches around your home.
Dear Rita, you have on my blog an awardness for your amazing blog!
RispondiEliminaI wish you a nice weekend!
Hello Rita... I just read the comment you posted on mine and returned to yours... Blogger let me right in, maybe yours is fixed now??? xoxo Julie Marie
RispondiEliminaHello Rita:-)
RispondiEliminaJak zawsze cudeńka pokazujesz.Lubię do Ciebie zaglądać i zawsze zachwycają mnie Twoje fotki.Bardzo się cieszę,że mnie odwiedzasz i dziękuję za miłe komentarze.Niestety mój angelski jest bardzo kiepski,jak jestem w stanie jeszcze coś zrozumieć jak czytam,to już zupełnie nie potrafię nic napisać:(mam nadzieję ,że uda Ci się to przetłumaczyć ,bo w końcu są translatory:-)
Pozdrawiam serdecznie i miłego weekendu życzę.
RispondiEliminaIt's all beautiful! I have also enjoyed the tea cup website that you posted where you ordered your lovely tes sets from-thanks for sharing it! The only problem is that I found dozens of sets that I'd like to have and can't decide which one to choose:).
Ciao Rita, buon week-end.
RispondiEliminaRosa / Shabby e dintorni
Lot´s of lovely findings , lucky you !
RispondiEliminaIs it the find or the hunt that thrills do you think ?
I love hunting for the finds .
Lot´s of love /Lotta