Questo mercoledì vorrei condividere con voi alcuni tesori che ho riportato a casa dal mercatino delle pulci dello scorso fine-settimana.
Dal momento che adoro le tazze da thè e le cloche, ecco a voi una deliziosa tazza Mason Denmark acquistada per "soli" 10 Euro. Non è adorabile?
Hi my dear friends and welcome once again to Kathleen's weekly White Wednesday appointment.Today I'd like to play along and share with you some some of the treasures I brought back home from my visit to the fleamarket on Sunday. And since most of you already know how much I like teasets and cloches, here's a lovely Mason's Denmark teacup I could buy for "only" 10 Euros. Isn't it just so darling?

And a most sweet little monogrammed table cloth, a two linen handtowels with a cute crocheted border and a flatware bag entirely hand-embroidered kept good company to the teacup on the way back home. Love them so much and never seem to tire of staring at them!

And with such pretty handtowels some wonderfully scented lavender grains marseille soap is the perfect companion. Wish you were here to smell it

Ed ora a voi una vera chicca, sempre sul tema sapone di marsiglia, per i nasini più sofisticati: una tavoletta all'olio d'oliva e lavanda che appesa nell'armadio nella suo sacchettino all'uncinetto rilascia il suo aroma tra gli abiti. Mi piace così tanto lasciarmi coccolare da questo profumo semplice ma al tempo stesso intrigante che mi dispone in uno stato di energizzante armonia pronta ad affrontare tutto quello che la mia giornata al lavoro mi porterà (o quasi...)
And now, on the same note, for the most sophisticated little noses, a flat olive oil and lavender soap cake which I keep in my armoire inside a lovely white crocheted sachet as I love the deligthfully clean, crisp, fresh scent when I put on my clothes. I so love to open my armoire in the morning and let that simple but still intriguing scent pamper me and put me in a state of energized harmony, ready for whatever the day at work will bring (or almost he he he). Feels soooooooo nice!!!
Buon White Wednesday a tutte voi. Non dimenticate di fare un salto da Kathleen di Faded Charm per un'incredibile ed inesauribile fonte di biance bellezze .

Happy White Wednesday to ya all and.. don't forget to visit Kathleen of Faded Charm for many white beauties on display.
Y Rita
Y Rita
Hello Rita... I always love coming to visit and see your beautiful whites on Wednesday! Your new teacup is just beautiful... I love blue and white china! xoxo Julie Marie
RispondiEliminaLove your white things Rita. That soap is great looking. I bet it smells wonderful.Your linens wonderful...Sally
RispondiEliminaCiao Rita, dal mercatino hai portato a casa dei bellissimi tesori!
RispondiEliminaNon vedo l'ora che finisca questo freddo, non me ne perderò uno!
Shabby e dintorni
RispondiEliminaAN HAPPY DAY.
Come sempre i tuoi pizzi sono i saponi mi sembra di sentirne il delicato profumo....!!!Brava e complimenti per gli accostamenti!!
Oh Rita dearest,
RispondiEliminaI would sure love to go shopping with you and then sit in a café and sip good coffee or tea and talk about all of our finds! Lovely linens and my favorite....that soap!
Have a beautiful week, Anita
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminaI love your teacup from Denmark (my favorite teacup is a blue and white chintz, I picked up years ago). Your linens are beautiful, I love white linens. Thanks for your visit and kind words, I hope you continue to enjoy my blog.
The Swedish Room
Rita dear you found the most amazing things at the flea! I love those little hand towels so much. It's no wonder that you have to keep looking at them, they are so beautiful. Your flea markets must be the most wonderful shopping opportunities. Your pictures are really beautiful too.
Bonjour dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaLove that blue and white teacup, and the soap in the armoire is a wonderful idea. What we do without all the fabulous flea markets?
Hope that pesky cold has gone and you're feeling better this week. This week has just disappeared somehow, so the package will go out tomorrow!
Will talk soon, Rita
Take care
Dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaThank you for your lovely comments on my blog! It's so wonderful that we have ASL in commmon!
Love your blog! Your photos and posts are equally charming!
Dear Rita!
RispondiEliminaSo lovely treasures!!! I love yours photos so much!
Have a great week-end!
Hi Rita, dearest! Oh yummmmie! All the wonderful stuff and I believe I may smell the soapies! yumyum!
RispondiEliminaI love the whitey pics!
Sending you big hugs and have a fabby weekend! Wavin' from Germany, Biene
Rita, you found some absolutely fabulous items. The soaps are divine (I can almost smell them) and the crocheted edge on the towel is beautiful. I adore blue and white so love that little teacup and saucer Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. :) Tammy
RispondiEliminafarfallina bianca, bianca...!
RispondiEliminasempre voula e mai si stanca!
thanks for coming to see me Rita....
have a nice weekend!
ciao bella
la tua carmelina in canada!
Hi Rita, my little Italian Friend!!!!
RispondiEliminaI could almost smell those wonderful soaps! They are soooo pretty, I really don't think I could use them!
Just stopping in to say hello and hope you are doing great this new year~
everything vintage
I love the idea of a lavender-scented wardrobe - how lovely! Leigh
RispondiEliminaCarissima sei sicura di voler essere contaggiata???Nn ti conviene...cmq ora tutto bene, grazie per la visita!!!
RispondiEliminaIl tuo blog e' STUPENDO,RAFFINATISSIMO TI FACCIO I MIEI PIU' SINCERI COMPLIMENTI!!!Ti auguro buona notte.
Rita, hai un bel blog e buon gusto per gli arredamenti. Ti faccio i complimenti e ti saluto cordialmente da Barcellona.
RispondiEliminaBeautiful, Rita! Love all the linens! You have such lovely things! What I wouldn't give to get my hands on a FEW! :)
RispondiEliminaLove to you~Rebecca
Oh precious Rita,
RispondiEliminaHow I adore you. Your posts are always so pretty, like you, and when you visit me, I am always so happy by your warmth. Funny how you can feel that through blogging. Your kind soul and lovely world enchants me always.
I hope you are having a wonderful week. Bless you sweet friend, Anita
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminaI think that we are kindered spirits separated by miles! I absolutely love your blog and I cannot get enough teacups and linens. Oooooo and awe...........!
I am so glad that you came over to visit me because now I can follow you and visit often.
The toile pillow that I made is actually a light color of green with cream and green striped trim. By all means, copy me, I love it.
what lovely monogrammed linens and beautiful
RispondiEliminachina, fragrant soaps.
so fun to visit here!
you really found some beautiful things Rita...what a lovely white wednesday post!!!
RispondiEliminaHello Rita! Thank you so much for your sweet comment about my blog! =) You have a very lovely blog! Nice things you´re showing today. Now i will try to come up with some text in english like you, or at least make it possible to translate the text. Have a nice day!