Dopo settimane di attesa le mie "nuove" prezione vecchie tazze di porcellana inglese sono arrivate.
Vista la lungaggine tra la spedizione e la consegna, pensavo fossero andata smarrite tra la neve in Inghilterra oppure, drammatizzando al massimo, ipotizzato di riceverle dopo mesi ormai a pezzi dopo il lungo peregrinare. Ed invece eccole arrivate nel loro nido. Ammirate la bellezza di questo trio della Allerton's (1890+) , con la delicatezza dei rami di rosa dipinti a mano. una festa per gli occhi...
After weeks of delay, my new long -awaited-for antique teaset trios from the UK finally made it to my home. I had somehow lost hope I would ever be able to set my eyes and hands on my precious china teasets as I had figured out they'd got lost in snow of England. The scenario I was picturing in my mind was I'd get them in pieces after months of delay...
Well, my anxiety could be finally put at rest and the two lovely trios are finally here in their nest for me to admire.
Look at this Allerton's trio's (1890+) dainty handpainted roses. Aren't they just gorgeous?
Vista la lungaggine tra la spedizione e la consegna, pensavo fossero andata smarrite tra la neve in Inghilterra oppure, drammatizzando al massimo, ipotizzato di riceverle dopo mesi ormai a pezzi dopo il lungo peregrinare. Ed invece eccole arrivate nel loro nido. Ammirate la bellezza di questo trio della Allerton's (1890+) , con la delicatezza dei rami di rosa dipinti a mano. una festa per gli occhi...
After weeks of delay, my new long -awaited-for antique teaset trios from the UK finally made it to my home. I had somehow lost hope I would ever be able to set my eyes and hands on my precious china teasets as I had figured out they'd got lost in snow of England. The scenario I was picturing in my mind was I'd get them in pieces after months of delay...
Well, my anxiety could be finally put at rest and the two lovely trios are finally here in their nest for me to admire.
Look at this Allerton's trio's (1890+) dainty handpainted roses. Aren't they just gorgeous?
E questo trio della Redfern & Drakeford è una vera bellezza. Sta così bene assieme ad un altro trio semplre della R&D che avevo acquistato ad un mercatino dell'antiquariato alcuni mesi fa.
Non adopero le tazze più antiche in quanto infinitesime particelle di piombo del decoro migrerebbero, a causa del calore, nel thè. Mi piace però collezionarne semplicemente per poterle ammirare. Che dire, ad ciascuno le proprie manie (ed io credo di averne molte!!)
And this Redfern & Drakeforf trio is simply a beauty. It matched oh so well with another R&D trio I had purchased at an antique market a few months ago.
I do not use the oldest cups as they I've been told lead particles from the decor tend to migrate into the hot tea, but I adore to collect them just for their beauty and uniqueness.
Ora proprio posso dire che ne è ben valsa la pena di aspettarle così a lungo.
Se, come me, avete quella certa debolezza per i servizi da thè e in particolarmodo per le tazze, date uno sguardo al sito "Everything Stops for Tea" ( Sarà una bella passeggiata attraverso meravigliose porcellane di altri tempi.
Here they are, all arranged in my china cupboard together with the rest of my mismatched china teacups and grandma's crystal glasses.
Well, what can I say... they are well worth waiting so long to have them.
Those of you who, like me, have a certain thing for china teasets and mismatched cups check out this fab website "Everything Stops for Tea" ( The website is very nice and the pieces they have for sale are truly stunning and unique.
Too bad can't have you all chez moi for a warm cup of good tea and a nice girls talk.
Have a fabulous week!
Y Rita
Your teaset is lovely-I am glad it arrived safely.It would be lovely to join you for tea!
Hello Rita... oooh, those are soo beautiful! I cannot pick a favorite as I love them all... I am so happy they finally arrived for you, safe and sound... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie
RispondiEliminaDear Rita!
RispondiEliminaCharming porcelain! And thank you for writing the website!
Have a great new week with many lovely cups of good tea!
Bellissime, dovrò fare qualche incursione nella credenza di mia suocera.. e prendermi l' eredità prima del tempo!!!!!
Rita dearest! What lovely, beautiful finds! I adore mixed and unmatched tea cups! I hope all is well with you. Please remember that I haven't forgotten your crown!!! Bisous, Anita
RispondiEliminaHello dear Rita, Your beautiful porcelain is really very perfect!!!!!
RispondiEliminaHave a nice evening:)
Hugs Fleurette
OH MY GOSH Rita, they are gorgeous!!!!!!
RispondiEliminaHow I love the first one. The painting is so delicate and fine. I know you will enjoy these so much. I know I would be staring at them all the time.
WOW - sooo pretty! Okay, I woll come to a "girl's talk" ;o)
RispondiEliminaOh no, what a pitty, I have no time: This week I will start my health treatment.
But before leaving Bloggetonia for a wile I feel I must say "see you soon" to you!
And maybe you've got the time and the good mind to go in for my draw. Would make me happy :o)
Hugs, Traude
The time for a cup of tea is a break very charming, as the presentation of your cups for tea.
le tue tazze sono meravigliose,adesso che mi ci fai pensare mia nonna ne ha di simili!!!!
RispondiEliminaLa ringrazio per le vostre parole dolci sul mio blog. Divertente per un saluto da Italia.
Non riesci a vedere la tua lingua, ma ha aiutato con la traduzione di occhiali. Ora cercando di scrivere in lingua svedese e tradotte in italiano, vedere se va bene in modo da capire. Hai un blog lovely lovely e sarò lieto di tornare a te.
Abbracci e hanno una buona cosa!
Ciao, grazie per essere passata a trovarmi!!!!
RispondiEliminaLe tue tazze sono S T U P E N D E !!!!! Valeva la pena di aspettare tanto!!!!! Buon fine settimana e a presto!!!!
Oh my sweet Rita! Thank you dearest, even in the midst of being busy (wow, do I know busy), you came to have a slice of bread with me! Oh, your ww pizza sounds marvelous! I used to make it all the time, before my masters program. Thank you for your well-wishes; they really do mean a lot to me!!! I am hoping that my life will slow down a bit so I don't always have to feel pressured to get homework done and not be able to entertain people in my home! Take care and I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN YOUR CROWN!!!! Anita
RispondiEliminaLovely Kina! Gillar den romantiska stilen.
Tack för att du besöker min blogg. Alltid trevligt med nya vänner.
Din välkommen tillbaka!
Love Jeanette
RispondiEliminaThose tea cup sets are gorgous!!! They were definately worth waiting for:).
so, so pretty! And I love all that red transferware...THANKS so much for your kind encouragement and the link!
Hi Rita! Gorgeous Teacups!! I wish I could pop over for tea with you!! I think it is so amazing that something this old & fragile has survived.. Dont you?
RispondiEliminaYou have so many Beautiful things to look at & read on your Blog! I think I'll pour a cup of tea & stay awhile! Hope you have a Beautful week!
Big Hugs & Blessings ~ Teresa