Le festività stanno velocemente giungendo al termine ma i nostri graditissimi appuntamenti del WW, carinamente ospitati da Kathleen di Faded Charm, continuano con l'entusiasmo di sempre.
Invece di andare alla ricerca spasmodica di oggetti bianchi da motrare, ho voluto giocare alle signore e fare spesa per l'occasione proprio in casa mia. Ed ecco che, miracolosamente, le cosine bianche da mostrare (i decori non contano, no???????????) sono miracolosamente emerse dagli angolini di casa.
Cominciamo dal mio angolino bianco preferito: quello del divano coccolone, dei cuscini comodi, della coperta fatta all'uncinetto e della vetrinetta bianca stracolma di bicchieri e vecchie porcellane della nonna ahimè decimate dal tempo ma pur sempre belle ed invitanti.
The holiday season is quickly drawing to its end but lucky enough our weekly WW appointments, so graciously hosted by Kathleen at Faded Charm, are going on with the same enthusiasm with which I started partaking. This time, instead of roaming around town with my camera in convulsive search of white thingies to snapshoot, I decided to go back to the old fun and do some good windowshopping in my own home again. One by one my white treasures (decors do not matter, do they?)came out from their nooks, all primped for the special occasion. Soooooo glad!!!
Let's then commence today's post with my fave white nook, that with the white cozy sofa, the soft cushions, the adorable white crocheted throw, and the little white china cabinet with my crystal glasses and old crockery which, alas, thru the years has lost some of its pieces but is still worth looking at. I could spend hours looking at my china teasets, mismatched cups, or plates...

Altri due sono in arrivo, speriamo la Royal Mail sia rapida nonostante le festività!
And here's my own Christmas gift (I've been very generous to myself this year LOL) - a gorgeous Redfern & Drakeford trio 1902+.
So sorry the pics do not do them justice but you ought to understand that I'm still a novice with my digital camera and it's still a big mistery to me (my darling teenage daughter is way better than me at mastering this baby).
Two more are on their way to my home. Hope Royal Mail will be quick enough despite the holiday. Can't wait to have these treasures in my home.

Il mio servizio della Royal Heidelberg acquistato per pochi euro ad un mercatino dell'usato (ho l'impressione di averlo già postato. nel qual caso. so sorry...)
My Royal Heidelberg teaset purchased for a few Euros at a local thrift store (guess you've already seen this. if so, beg your pardon but I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I still do)
Questo delizioso piatto della RKG (1929) è un altro regalo che mi sono fatta per Natale (ve l'ho detto che sono stata particolarmente generosa quest'anno!!!) per ben 5 euro al mercatino mensile dell'antiquariato.
CuORe, HeArT, HeRz, CoEuR

This delightful RKG plate (ca. 1929) is another self-gift (I told ya I've been VERY generous to myself this year) which I bought right before Xmas at the local flea market for only 5 Euros.


...accompagnato a casa da questa deliziosa panciuta zuccheriera...
... came to my home in good company with this cute chubby sugar bowl
Odio lucidare l'argenteria, ma farei qualunque cosa per i miei post WW. Siamo oneste: l'effetto è decisament migliore
Hate polishing silverware but would do anything for my WW posts. Let's be honest: when polished it looks much better, does it not?

Un bellissimo radiatore anni anni '20. Purtroppo questo non è il mio...l'ho avvistato alla foresteria aziendale ad una cena di pensionamento poco prima di Natale e non ho resistito alla tentazione di immortalarlo in vista del mio prossimo post

A gorgeous heater from 1920's. Unfortunately this isn't mine. Didn't mean to cheat. Just happened to to spot it at the company's guesthouse during a retirement party before Xmas and couldn't resist taking a pic to be used for my next post. All the heaters in the building are dating from the same period and I already showed a couple of them, differing in shape, in some earlier post,
Happy New Year dear Rita!
RispondiEliminaOh I just love your new teaset, so pretty and you deserve it. I'm always on the lookout for lovely dishes and teasets - mismatched just makes them more special.
Your camera work is fine, I really like the way you fade the edges, it gives it an antique / vintagey look.
Hope you've enjoyed your time off with your family. I wish you and yours the most fabulous 2010 and filled with romance, happiness and many blessings!
Happy New Year 2010 Rita and good luck for your blog for next year. Is with a lot pleasure to discover the treasure in your home. Very fine last WW of 2009.
RispondiEliminaCiao, Filippo
awww Rita.. you got beautiful china! I love them all.. precious treasures to keep.. i particularly love your sugar bowl & small plate with red roses on it!.. stunning!.. thanks for sharing & happy new year!
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminaI LOVE your whites today! But then again, i always love your white posts. Your living room is so lovely and you have so many beautiful things in there.
The teaset is wonderful and I am so glad you treated yourself to it. Isn't it great to get what you always wanted for Christmas.lol
Those heaters are so amazing. i love beautiful old radiators, they have such charm to them.
Good morning my dear friend! Beautiful, white lovelies, as usual! Don't worry, your package is coming! Oh Rita, I really wish you a new year filled with much love and self discovery. May you always know that you are special and have the most important talent of them all: the gift of being a good friend. Make each day count dear one. See you in 2010!!! Anita
RispondiEliminaHello Rita, your White Wednesday post is so pretty, I especially love your beautiful china and also the vintage heater... love to you... Happy New Year! Bisous... Julie Marie
RispondiEliminaDear Rita,
RispondiEliminathank you for visiting my blog. At yours, I founded a lot of inspiration and I see that you also love old things! If me the time permits, I will be glad to visit your blog! I wish you a happy new year, a lot of inspiration, good ideas and happy days. Bye bye.
RispondiEliminaThanks for stopping by to say hi! You have a lovely blog, and I have become your newest follower.
Happy New Year, Rita! So glad you came to visit today so I could follow you back to your place. Sounds like we enjoy many of the same things--especially shabby chic/vintage. I love Italy, too--only been once, but I can't wait to return. I'm your newest follower, so I'll be back often to visit.
RispondiEliminaBuon Anno!
My dear, dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaWOW. Your words are a healing balm to my spirit! You have made my day, this first day of January 2010. I too, will be entering through new doors of opportunity, and that is to write more. Your words that say I have a gift to speak to people's hearts has confirmed something very important to me as a writer, and that is to SPEAK to the heart. Now, will come the hard work that all writers and artists must do and that is to apply technique and revise, edit, revise, try new things....but of course to always start with the heart. You have been a sweet and open friend since the first day that we encountered one another. That is not an easy thing to find. May we all take the road towards kindness and love that each one of us needs! And I thank you for your hair advice! I do think that the short cut without he bangs would be fun!!! Gotta find creative ways to look dignified as I age here.....:)!
Have a splendid evening in beautiful Italy my friend. With much admiration and love, Anita
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminaWishing you a wonderful 2010 filled with great opportunities! I see you're friends with Anita, a very, very sweet lady. Happy New Year!
My dearest Rita... I am swimming through your enchanting photogalaxy and my heart is melting!
RispondiEliminaMay the new year bring you 2010 happy and sunny days, 2010 wishes to come true and a little fairy to watch over you!
Sending you bunches of hugs *swak* Biene
I absolutely love that tea plate, cup, and saucer. Purple and Yellow, my two favorite colors. I'm been looking for a cup and saucer liek that.
RispondiEliminaRita, haven't you gotten my gift yet? With all the christmas stuff, I've lost the receipt. All we can do is what and see. I feel so bad.
I love your white cabnet with the glass front. I have one simalar but I stained in Mahogany. I really want to paint it white, I think I will.
2010 is going to be a wonderful year. I got a new planner and I've orgainzed it and I'm all planned and ready to go.
Love ya