Carisssime amiche, sognando già un BIANCO Natale, arrivo con immutato entusiasmo al nostro appuntamento settimanale del "Mercoledì Bianco" ospitato da Kathleen nel suo blog Feded Charm. Ed il mio delizioso alberello prim, sistemato all'ingresso accanto al telefono, sta li a rammentarmelo con la discrezione che si conviene ogni giorno della settimana.

My dearest blog friends, already "dreaming of a WHITE Christmas", I get with unchanged enthusiasm and a most pleasant feeling of anticipation to our so much longed for White Wednesday appointment. And my cute li'l WHITE prim Xmas tree, already proudnly standing in the hall right next to my precious vintage telephone, is there to sweetly and politely remind me, every day of the week, to get something ready for our weekly appointment.***
Questa settimana è stato più semplice del previsto in quanto la mia amica di blog e fedelissima lettrice mi ha carinamennte inviato le foto le sue foto.

Si tratta della meravigliosa biancheria ricamata a mano ereditata da sua nonna, alcuni pezzi sono impreziositi da raffinati merletti o bordi. Io sono verde dall'invidia in quanto, come ormai saprete, adoro la biancheria antica, in particolar modo quella con le cifre. E qui c'è da rifarsi gli occhi. E' tutto semplicemente meraviglioso. Basta osservare con attenzione questi tesori e lasciar vagare la mente verso tempi ormai passati. Oggigiorno non è facile trovarne ai mercatini in quanto le persone non si disfano più di tali tesori.
Quando ho visto le foto è stato amora a prima vista. Non saprei dire cosa mi piace di più, li vorrei TUTTI. Come dicono nei paesi anglosassoni: "Sognare è gratis" quindi mi limiterò a sognare di meravigliosi letti di altri tempi
Non aggiungerò commenti stavolta, le foto parlano da sole. Godetevi questi preziose immagini
Finding something special to post has been easier than expected this week as my dear blog friend and faithful reader Eliana has sent me some pics of her precious heirloom. It's gorgeous antique hand embroidered linens, some of them with fine crochet lace hems or fringes, that have been passed down to her by her grandmother. I'm green with envy as je adore antique linens, especially monogrammed ones. And they also happen to be very difficult to find af flea markets as nowadays people no longer get rid of such treasures. YYY
When I saw her photos it was love at first sight. couldn't tell what I love most - simply want them ALL.
Won't add any comments to the photos this time as I'll let the beauty of these precious bed linens and hand towels speak for themselves. Enjoy!
Won't add any comments to the photos this time as I'll let the beauty of these precious bed linens and hand towels speak for themselves. Enjoy!
photos: courtesy of Eliana
Visitate il delizioso blog di Eliana per tante altre chicche e ne sarete piacevolissimamente colpite: Ma boite a frou frous @ check out Eliana's blog for more eyecandies - you'll love it: Ma boit a frou frous @
Until our next appointment:
Y Rita
Y Rita
RispondiEliminaUn bacio
I LOVE vintage linens and those are just gorgeous!!! Thanks for sharing.
The capers of the vintage vixens
Bonjour Rita! Simply beautiful! All your posts are so great. Hope you are having a good week.
RispondiEliminaThose linens are gorgeous Rita. I can never resist buying linens when I see them. This is such a lovely collection.
RispondiEliminaI love your little white tree!
Good morning Rita, you have found very precious tovel for WW, beautiful the Christmas Tree at the start of the page.
RispondiEliminaLot compliment for new presentation of the "Blog" in the Christmas atmosphere; why is impossible to return as a child when the Christmas time was an extraordinary charm ?
Bye Rita
Rita, I hope you get your wish of a 'white christmas'.....
Bonjour darling Rita! Lovely, lovely background and the white linen is so refreshing and crisp! Thank you for your cheerful spirit that abounds! Anita
RispondiEliminaDearest Rita,
RispondiEliminaI don't know if you got my message on your last post....please email me at:
I have a question to ask you! I hope you are well out in beautiful Italy! We are having a little snow! Ciao, Anita
My darling friend Rita. I love your background on your blog, it's so fun. I also love this post. I can feel how precious all of your things are to you.
RispondiEliminaI hope you get my message, that you won my Christmas drawing give-a-way. I am posting about the winner in a minute. I need your mailing address.
Hugs and Kisses
Hi Rita, here is my e-mail address:
RispondiEliminaYou can give me your mailing address there. I hope I can get it to you before Christmas.
I live in South Jordan, 30 minutes, on the freeway from BYU. Bring your daughter, you can stay with me. I also live 30 minutes, on the freeway, the other way, to the airport. I have plenty of room in my home and you would be most welcome.
Good morning dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaWhat an adorable little Christmas tree. So sweet. And those vintage linens are to die for. I see why you liked them so much. Beautiful! Your new Christmas look for your blog is also it. Wishing you a very merry weekend dear friend. Until next time.
I love all your white linnen with eyletes, lace borders and monograms Rita, so pretty!
RispondiEliminaWarmest wishes from Boxwood Cottage in Germany sends you Carola
good post