Per me il Natale parla di rosso... ho un irrefrenabile desiderio di circondarmi di oggetti e decorazioni di colore rosso che hanno l'effetto di scaldarmi il cuore . In questo senso sono un pò tradizionalista... se non c'è una bella Stella di Natale rossa - ebbene non è Natale. Quindi, avendo già comiciato a mettere fuori le mie decorazioni di Natale, ma badate bene, sono soltanto all'inizio, ho voluto aprire queste festività con il rosso...
For me Christmas is RED. Couldn't imagine Christmas in a different color than red. Of course, I adore also silver and white (they are so charming and elegant), but red is different: it truly has the power to warm my soul up and put me in a cheerful mood. After all, isn't this the season to be jolly?
In this sense, perhaps I'm a little conservative, but I like this way. And now that I've started decorating the apartment, I decided to start with RED accents here and there.
So, a red poinsettia is simply perfect to to give the place the right Christmasey touch...
In this sense, perhaps I'm a little conservative, but I like this way. And now that I've started decorating the apartment, I decided to start with RED accents here and there.
So, a red poinsettia is simply perfect to to give the place the right Christmasey touch...

... and some greenery

... with red candles ...


... and festive red ribbons

and now some natural colors for a change...

and some more little white candles arranged with vintage silver-colored glass baubles enhanced by the red of the potpourri pillows

couldn't forget about my passion: roses, which this time of the year often times show up in my china decor. I adore these vintage glass baubles from Turingia
I cuori sono le mie decorazioni preferite, e non soltanto per l'albero. Di vari colori e materiali, ne troverete a decine in tutto l'appartamento e li rimangono tutto l'anno.
Hearts happen to be my fave ornaments, not only for the tree though. I place them, in different colors and materials, all over the apartment, and keep them on place all year round. They are an all-time favorite of mine
Hearts happen to be my fave ornaments, not only for the tree though. I place them, in different colors and materials, all over the apartment, and keep them on place all year round. They are an all-time favorite of mine

Di tutto un pò...
a little bit of everything...

Un' ode ai colori Natalizi. Scaldano il cuore, no?
An ode to the Holiday season colors. Aren't they all so heartwarming?

And this is Hope, my little prim angel. I made it a couple of years ago out of old tea-stained bed linens and a worn-out shirt of my husband. Since them, she's been sitting on a table in the hall to look upon us and also welcome guests.
And this is Hope, my little prim angel. I made it a couple of years ago out of old tea-stained bed linens and a worn-out shirt of my husband. Since them, she's been sitting on a table in the hall to look upon us and also welcome guests.
Oh Rita, your holiday decor is all so beautiful. I love the touches of red everywhere. I adore the hearts you have added to it all. It is great to see how you celebrate your holiday season.
Hello Rita... I too love the traditional reds and greens of Christmas... I think your little angel is my favorite! Bisous... Julie Marie
RispondiEliminaBonjour Rita! Red is still the most wonderful Christmas colour. You've done such a good job decorating - all the heart ornaments scattered around are the perfect. I'm always excited to see a new post you've written! Wishing you a fabulous week Rita!
RispondiEliminaHello Rita, yesterday I visited a show in Bastia near Perugia (Italy),I thought you because I have seen a lot decoration regarding Christmas but never were beautiful as your presentated in your blog, the atmosphere is very very nice.
I do love red! And I also collect hearts. Your prim angel Hope is precious! Did not realize you are so crafty too! I love all your decorations. I am so behind on everyhing. Wish I could go home and decorate right now. Blessings to you Rita for a wonderful week! :) Tammy
RispondiEliminaAnche per me il Natale è rosso, si vede anche nei miei post ... Peccato Che anche ieri sono Stata Alle Prese con dei lavoretti e non sono ancora riuscita ad addobbare Ogni angolino di casa come piace a me ... mi rifarò oggi, potendo Tempo.
RispondiEliminaciao ciao
Good morning Rita dearest! Your décor is always so lovely and sweet, like you! Yes, red is THE color of is warm and holds many wonderful memories of childhood CHristmas decorations! I love the fireplace you have!! Thank you again for giving me some tips on an Italian Christmas...when I posted on Friday night however, I was up very late and I had so much homework that I was not able to give the post justice and do what I really wanted to do. However, thank you for comfirming with me some of the wonderful things that you do for Christmas. I ended up not being able to put in everything that I wanted to do. I hope you are well! Have a wonderful day at work. Bisous! Anita
RispondiEliminaOh Rita, sweetums! That was gorgeous! As much as I love the white and muted colors, but red and green are the festive classics and they make the real christmas feelings!
RispondiEliminaThank you for an enchanting trip through your christmas world! You made me feel home and cozy!
Sending you big bear hugs from Germany, have a happy start into the brandnew week!
Rita! How nice to see you and thank you for your dear comments! You are one of these people Rita, that I would love to meet. When I visit your blog, I feel right at home and I feel as if we knew each other. I thank you as well for helping me know a little bit more about your side of the world and I extend my wishes to you for a peaceful, happy and love-filled Christmas and the same for the new year. Bisous ma chère, Anita
RispondiEliminaYour decorations look great. I'm all about red and gold at Christmas! I appreciate other motifs but Christmas is traditional around my house :). Thanks for visiting and I hope you'll return.
RispondiEliminaI couldn't live without red at Christmas either. The two go hand in hand. You did a great job adding in all of those touches of red in your house.
RispondiEliminaKära Rita,
RispondiEliminaJag tackar för de fina orden hos mig! Den röda är Verkligen christmas färg och du har dekorerat så vackert och jag gillar Verkligen strukturen av de saker du har! I år bestämde jag mig för Att gå mer inför de vita, silver guld och lite, glittrandes som färgen på snö och som det här! Nu har jag massvis med projekt Att göra fint här hemma till jul även Att göra Några julklappar och hjälper Vänner i heminredning. Så Många idéer poppar upp hela tiden i mitt huvud och så mycket Att göra, men det är så kul!
Ha en underbar vecka och ta hand om dig!
Många kramar Elin.
The fireplace with Christmas decorations give a sense of warm to all blog.
Come sempre.. belle foto, belle ambientazioni.. magica atmosfera!!!!
RispondiEliminaIo quest'anno sono un po' indietro con le decorazioni in casa, perchè vorrei farle in rosso.. e poi in bianco.. e poi in argento... e poi in oro.... e poi country.... e poi eleganti... AIUTOOOOOO!!!!!!!
i really love the silver and red, its just gorgeous together, your home is looking so festive, i love it
RispondiEliminaHi Rita,
RispondiEliminathank you so much for your visit on my blog and for your nice comments. Finally I visit your site today, too and I really love your pictures. You have a beautiful home!
Talk to you soon,
Greetings from Germany!
Hi Rita!
RispondiEliminaSo glad to see you stopping by! Thanks for your sweet comments! I love having you visit!
Your REDS, roses and hearts are some of my Christmas FAVs too! Lovely decor! I love how it all makes me feel warm and cozy!
Have a blessed week!
Dear Rita,
RispondiEliminayour decoration is really pretty, and I think, if you love RED it must be red!!! Everyone should take the Christmas colours she prefers - then it will be a successful celebration. In my case I felt a change in my mind: This year I love white and silver, last year i preferred silver an dark brown and all the years before I also had a red (& green) Christmas decoration... Lots of X-Mas Hugs!!! Ciao, Traude
WOW! Thank you for your nice comments!
RispondiEliminaMy favorite blogs? ! :)
hallo Rita .så sjarmerende og koselig blogg du har.veldig fine bilder du viser oss.
RispondiEliminatenkte legge et innlegg i kveld,men jeg har en del problemer med min data så vi får se hvordan det går.
ha en fin onsdag.
klem bella
Hi Rita
RispondiEliminaThanks so much for stopping by, it is so nice to meet you. Your Christmas decorations are lovely and of course I especially love the white candles in the silver tray...everything is lovely
Red is such a delicious color, I agree.
RispondiEliminaI really like your vintage glass baubles from Turingia, and your sweet heart garland :+)
Christmas in Italy must be amazing!
Have a great day
Bonjour Rita,
RispondiEliminaHow happy am I that you came over to visit me in Normandy yesterday? Your blog is a delight, your pix just lovely very festive & Christmassy.
The heart is my favourite symbol also, on bracelets & necklaces and home decor accents and I have an angel called Hope. Spooky, n'est pas?
Shall be following you from now on, it could be a great way to refresh my basic Italian, which I studied whilst living in Bavaria(don't ask!).
BTW I love you blog background.
Hi Rita, thank so much for your first visit on my blog Manu propria and your sweet comment.You have beatifull home :o)
RispondiEliminagreetings from Czech republic and have great day mokopa
Very pretty Rita. Red always adds a pop of color that is always so cheerful! You did a great job.
Blog: the Capers of the Vintage Vixens
Great job Rita, you do amazing things. Love all of the red touch. Less, realy is more. I just stoped by to check in, I'm anxious about the package getting to you. In my hast to get it off, I forget the little tag I made and also the wrapping.
RispondiEliminaLove ya