Il post di questa settimana raccoglie le immagini degli allestimenti natalizi che maggiormente mi hanno colpita.
Prego accomodatevi...
Until a few minutes ago I was quite doubtful whether I should post for our weekly White Wednesday appointment so charmingly hosted by Kathleen at Faded Charm. I felt I had nothing special to show and share. having had very little time to devote to myself this past week I hadn't worked much on my WW inspiration. Took me a few minutes of intense meditation, looked carefully at the pics taken over the last few days during my fave activity: window shopping. I could then have my inspiration back. In this week's post I'll share the pics showing shops' decorations and displays of whites which have impressed me most. Not so many but definitely some fine ones, at least IMO.
So, please, come on in...
it was love at first sight... isn't the display on this fab white chair very creative and cute?
How about this sweet Thun Madonna and baby Jesus?
Adoro le lanterne, specialmente se bianche e durante il periodo natalizio. Non sembrano mai essere fuori posto
I adore lanterns, especially white ones and during the holiday season. They never seem to be out of place
Porcellana bianca: una finezza
White porcelain: so elegant
ed anche molto natalizia
and also very Christmassy

Ed ora, nuovamente grazie ad Eliana la mia fedele amica di blog, desidero condividere con voi le sue preziose creazioni a punto croce: natalizie e perfette per uno chalet di montagna. grazie per le foto cara Eliana!
And again, thanks to Eliana, my faithful blogger friend, I'd like to share with you her precious creations: so Christmassy and perfect for a nice little house up in the mountains.
Thanks for sharing dear Eliana!
wow, you found alot of gorgeous whites, hope you are having a good day
RispondiEliminaHi Rita! You came up with a wonderful WW post!! I adore that chair in your first is so fabulous!!
RispondiEliminaYour blog is looking so festive, I just love it!!
:) T
hello dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaYou found some very lovely whites while shopping. You are right...the chair looks so festive with the reds placed there on it, and the little snowflakes and hearts. I love white dinnerware. I use a lot of it for holidays because you can dress it up to go with any festivity. A wonderful WW post!
I love what you've shared for White Wednesday; I do think all that "soul searching" paid off!..,
RispondiEliminaDo feel most welcome to pop by for "Themed Thursday", tomorrow at my The Plume Pen blog, where I am featuring all things hot chocolate and Christmas cookies..,
~*(I will be posting a wee bit later tomorrow however, as I have to drive my mother, and then drop her off at the airport. Also then afterwards, dropping her kitty off at the kennels, afterwards as well.)..,
Cheers from Silken Purse @ The plumed Pen
Oh Rita! You have plenty to share with us this week! Every single item shown here is exquisite and THAT CHAIR is marvelous! You have superbe taste and your blog is always so warm and friendly. I do hope that you will soon have time to relax and devote yourself to the things that you love. Bisous ma chère, Anita
RispondiEliminaGood choice Rita decide to post these immagines expecially Thyn Madonna with Jesus.
P.S.:I have forgotten that today is friday not thursday when is possible to see WW!!
And to you dearest Rita, a big thanks for being such a sweet and kind friend! I hope all is well and that you are having a good week. The weekend is upon us!!!! I will be posting late tonight or tomorrow, so swing by when you can! Bisous, Anita
RispondiEliminaWhat a beautiful White Wednesday post! Everything is lovely! I especially like the white chair:).
Dearest Rita,
RispondiEliminaYou are one of those people that I just feel so connected to. A visit from you is a sweet addition to my day, and thank you for your kind compliments about my writing. I do enjoy languages but most of all, communicating my heart. I look forward to more enchanting visits with you and to a special Christmas celebration. Have a wonderful evening....Anita
Another enchanting white wednesday! I love the scenes you chose! As always I wanna thank you for a wonderful trip through your beautiful world!
RispondiEliminabunches of bear hugs and have a cozy and warm sunday! Biene
Very nice WW post!
RispondiEliminaI just love the monogramed tea towels :+D
Happy Monday~
Hello Rita, thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, how nice you came by. You've also such a beautiful blog, what a lovely pictures, ohh and I love that chair, I'm also searching for new dinerchairs.
RispondiEliminaHave a nice day.
Warm greetings from Mea
Perfect pix for WW, the embroidery is wonderful.
Oh ma dov'ero mercoledì scorso!!??!! uff.. talmente tante cose da fare che ho veramente pochissimo tempo per il computer, comunque grazie sei sempre troppo carina.. ma oggi che giorno è?? non è mica mercoledì "di nuovo"?? a dire il vero è già giovedì e.. povera me, non finirò mai in tempo tutti i lavori in corso!!!!
Hola Rita,
RispondiEliminaI am so happy you decided to do a WW post. I love all your pictures. I agree, the white lanterns are gorgeous. Love them too. Have a wonderful day my dear friend. Until next time.
Hasta muy pronto,
Dearest Rita,
RispondiEliminaDet är underbart Att du ger oss en WW tjänst och visum dem vita saker du tycker om! Det är alltid bra att Få lite ny inspiration. Jag gillar Verkligen stulna! Jag har två av Sådana slagg och Inte än har jag målat vita om dem. Fortfarande Att dem är så fina i Sitt skick, så jag väntar ett övervakningsorgan Länge och har istället Lagt Några Andra vita saker på den. Dem har så vacker struktur och jag älskar Verkligen från seklet stolarna kommer ifrån.
Många kramar och hälsningar Elin.