Carissime, mi sono sentita veramente in colpa per aver lasciato trascorrere così tanto tempo dal mio ultimo post. Adoro postare, adoro visitare i vostri blog e lasciare i miei commenti così come adoro leggere i vostri. Eppure... mi è mancato il tempo. L'ufficio a tempo pieno, mia figlia ed i compiti, la casa e tutti gli annessi ed è così che ho trascurato il mio blog.
Nonostante tutto, le idee che si sono affollate nella mia testolina dura sono state tantissime e quindi almeno il cervello è stato in costante attività, supportato dalla macchina fotografica che si è prodotta al suo meglio nonostante la mia inettitudine.
Per farmi perdonare ho pensato di condividere con voi una mia grande passione - ed anche debolezza dal momento che proprio non riesco a resistere alla tentazione di acquistarlo: il TRANSFERWARE ROSSO con decoro TOILE DE JOUY.
Durante il mercatino dell'antiquariato della scorsa settimana ho perso una vera occasione: 6 bellissimi piattini della collezione Rusticane della Villeroy & Boch. Data la loro vetustà (fine ottocento) i piattini non erano nelle migliori condizioni, mi sentivo condizionata dai buoni propositi dell'anno nuovo, tra i quali quello di essere più accorta nelle spese... e così, quando a fine mercato, dopo lunga e sofferta riflessione, ho contattato il venditore per acquistare i piattini questi erano stati venduti. Ben mi sta. Non avevo forse imparato la vecchia lezione di non indugiare troppo quando si presentano i buoni affari??? Certo che no. Ben mi sta.
In ogni caso, un paio di piatti li ho acquistati e messi insieme al resto. Godetevi questi angolini di rosse armonie che tanto mi fanno stare bene quando mi soffermo a contemplarli oppure mi metto a cambiare di posto agli oggetti.
My dearest all, I've been feeling so bad for not being able to post for so long. I adore posting, visiting your marvelous blogs, leaving comments, and reading comments as well. I simply didn't have time. What an awful thing to say. We should always have time for ourselves and for the things we love most. Unfortunately my list of priorities has been very unmerciful to me: full-time work, my daughter needing help with her assignments, the house and all those "adorable" chores all of which left no time for my blog.
During this short break my little stubborn head did set to work though and thought carefully about my next posts and so did my fully-supportive digital camera, despite my inability to use it in a decent way. What I was missing was some quiet time to sit at my computer, choose the right pics and put everything together in an intelligible way.
Now that I'm back on track I decided to share with you one of my greatest passions in life (Gosh, now that I think about it I have so many costly passions) - and great weakness too as I seem not to be able to resist to it: RED TOILE TRANSFERWARE. When I happen to be around a piece I must absolutely have it.
Last week, during our local monthly flea market I missed a rather good deal. 6 Rusticana salad plates from Villeroy & Boch for 30 euros. I had been a little unsure whether to really buy them or not. In the first place, given the age (late 1800's), they didn't appear to be in optimal condition and then, first in my list of good intentions for the new year is the "let's be more careful with money". So after nearly one day spent on careful consideration as to whether I could afford and SHOULD buy the plates, I contacted the vendor and, alas, the plates were gone. I thought I had long ago learnt the golden rule about good deals: never wait too long otherwise the deal may be gone. And such was the case.
It didn't turn out to be the end of the world as I had managed to buy a soup plate and a serving plate anyway, so once at home I arranged them as beautifully as I could, grouping them with all the other adorable, though still very few, little pieces I already own. Here's the result FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Hope you'll like the overall effect as much as I do. I never tire of admiring my red transware when sitting on the coach (that's the best view I can possibly have in my sitting room) and enjoy a great deal changing the arrangement often for a more dramatic look. So gals, enjoy.
My precious Rita,
RispondiEliminaOh how nice it is to see you again! And what a lovely post, indeed! I know the feeling of being so busy; I am sitting in front of the computer writing a tedious assignment that is very challenging. It is a good thing that I do not have school tomorrow, for it is a national holiday for us. You are so lovely, and I miss you, but seeing you again and with such a bright and beautiful post, makes me very happy. I send you my love, Anita
Bonjour Rita,
RispondiEliminaSo nice to see another of your beautiful posts - at times life does get busy but you were defintely tending to important things.
Your red transferware is gorgeous, love all the scenes. Sweet little pillows too. Your photos are looking so good, I'm still end with different size images.
Hope the new year has gotten off to a good start for you my friend.
Wishing you a fabulous week!
Hello Rita... I love transferware and your reds are beautiful! I only have one piece of red, a plate, and now you have me wanting to collect more! So very pretty! Glad you are back posting! xoxo Julie Marie
RispondiEliminaOh rita, your words are precious, healing sprinkles of kindness that I so need at the moment. Thank you for coming to visit; you so beautifully described Julie's home. It truly is a sanctuary of peace and I so love going to her world. It is always a treat, as it is to come to your world here. Bisous, Anita
RispondiEliminaHi Rita,
RispondiEliminathis porcelain is beautiful, I like it! Ihave some pieces too.
Have a nice new week!
Hello Rita, again :-) and thanks for your nice commnet! I have never bought anything on e-bay, but I shopping through some internet auction called "Aukro" or in some antiques. And you are right, the red one is much better :-)
Glad to see you back blogging again, it is hard sometimes to carve time out for oneself.
RispondiEliminaI always enjoy my visits to your blog and today's red & white made for a cheery visit and a very pretty mosaic.
Hi Rose, Dont feel bad about not posting. I cant seem to do it regular like some.Are your dishes Masons from england? I cant tell. The pitcher looks like it. We used to have alot of red trandsfer ware which were masons but we sold all of it except for chipped pieces. It is pretty. I always enjoy stopping by. That gentleman in uniform is sure handsome. Check out my new maid on my blog. Sally
RispondiEliminaVery very interessant red porcelain, your presentation is wonderful.
Hej Rita!
RispondiEliminaDina bilder är så vacker, jag älskar den här plattan och andra saker!
Jag hoppas yor kan läsa my bad english!
Ha en trevlig dag!
Dearest Rita -- I do love your posts and have missed you. It does seem sometimes that life gets pretty frantic. I have a tendency to put off cleaning so that I can blog. I don't want to miss a thing! I LOVE your red transferware. I collect blue and white dishes and nic nacs, but I definitely could be swayed towards red. It is gorgeous! All your red and white and silver items are always lovingly displayed around your home. Congrats on the win from Cindy. So much fun receiving packages of handmade goodies. You deserve it. Lovely soaps and angel sachet. I do hope that you find more time for YOU in the days to come. Blessings for the rest of your week, Tammy
RispondiEliminaHello dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaYour tranferware is so lovely and I can see why you take so much pleasure in it. Isn't it funny how objects can bring us so much joy? I believe we are meant to crave beauty and things that satisfy that craving.
Your pictures are so beautiful and every setting is perfect. Thank you dear for sharing this passion with us.
Hallo Rita. Thank you for your visit in my green house. Your blog is lovely; porcelan cups and plates and roses.
RispondiEliminaComplimenti Rita per le foto, che atmosfera bellissima ed elegante si deve respirare in casa tua. Il collage iniziale è davvero bello.
RispondiEliminaUn abbraccio,
What a gorgeous collection. Me want! :)
RispondiEliminaCara Rita i tuoi post, siano essi bianchi, rossi, gialli o verdi.. sono sempre ricchi di fascino!!!1
RispondiEliminaUn abbrccio
Hi Rita!
RispondiEliminaSo nice to see you! Glad you got to take a little time for blog visits! I love having you!
Oh your Red transfer ware is lovely! My dear friend brought some gorgeous red/white transferware home a few years ago when she visited a Flea Market in Germany. I was so wishing I could find some like it. But I don't see it very much in my thrifting jaunts.
Have a great week!
Ciao Rita, How wonderful to be invited into your home and admire your beautiful transferware.Each piece special with the memories it stirs...
RispondiEliminaThank you for dropping by to visit my Wintry wonderland.
Cara Rita! Your Reds are as wonderful as your whites! Sooo lo vely! Hugs, Traude
RispondiEliminaOh Rita, thank you so much for what you are saying on my blog.
RispondiEliminaI almost blush...
Your very beautiful red china and other things are so beautiful. I just love them.
Eva Agnes
I mercatini sono trooooppo irresistibili. Credo siano gli unici momenti in cui mi prende l'ansia da shopping compulsivo!
Rosa /Shabby e dintorni
Bonjour Dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaJust stopping by to say hello and thank you for your sweet note. I think it is even more important now to appreciate what is around us, life gets so crazy its not always possible to travel like we used to.
Visiting beautiful blogs like yours is a pleasure for me and filled with beauty - you've made a beauty mark in blogland for sure Rita.
Bon week mon amie!
Couldnt agree more with that, very attractive article
RispondiEliminaaroma essential oils