Con la festa di oggi si concludono ufficialmente le festività Natalizie. Quest'anno la mia calza è stata particolarmente piena dal momento che proprio ieri è arrivato il pacchetto di Cindy di Stitches-n-Stuff con il suo giveway. Visitate il suo delizioso sito ed imparate a conoscere quale persona splendida e talentuosa lei sia. C'è stata molta attesa per questo pacchetto dato che le poste ci hanno impiegato un tempo infinito. Non è arrivato in tempo per il Natale ma ha fatto in proprio in tempo ad arrivare per l'Epifania e... per il mio WW.
Il pacchetto era pieno di cose deliziose ch vorrei condividere convoi. Grazie Cindy, il tuo giveway è semplicemente stupendo e lo custodirò gelosamente.
Today the Christmas season is officially over. My Epiphany stocking has been unusually full this year as yesterday Cindy's giveway arrived at my door. You can visit Cindy's lovely blog Stitches-n-Stuff at and find out what a wonderful and gifted gal she is.
The postal service has been quite slow so unfortunately the packet didn't make for Christmas but made right in time for the Epiphany and ... for my WW post. Cindy filled it with a bunch of pretties which I would like to share with you today. Thank you Cindy: your giveway is simply wonderful and I will cherish it dearly.
To begin with she sent me "Hope". "Well" I thought, "Hope is exactly what I want this new year to be full of".
Then this cute little sparkling white penguin came out of the packet to greet me. Isn't just it adorable?
Then this cute little sparkling white penguin came out of the packet to greet me. Isn't just it adorable?

This stunning handmade fabric bag and the accompanying bookmark are the actual giveway. They are sooooooo beautiful and are made even more precious with the additon of lovely ribbons and marvelous buttons. Don't be jealous girls, this giveway was meant to be MINE from the very beginning. I had heard it call my name when joined the drawing!!
Dal magico pacchetto è uscito questo prezioso centrino. Perfetto per il mio post WW ed ancor meglio per essere sistemato sul piatto d'argento sottostante la mia alzata porta torte con la sua cloche. Che ve ne pare?
Sono stata entusiasta del mio giveway. grazie ancora Cindy...
From the magic packet also this lovely crocheted doily came out. Not only is it perfect for my WW post but it has also come in very handy to embellish the silver plate under my cake stand and cloche. What do ya say?
All these lovelies have made me very happy. Once again, thank you dear Cindy.
Ed ora, per concludere un post WW come si conviene, un pò di turismo in giro per l'appartamento
And now , to close a proper WW post, a little sightseeing around the apartment
Regali profumati: saponi.


Sono stata entusiasta del mio giveway. grazie ancora Cindy...
From the magic packet also this lovely crocheted doily came out. Not only is it perfect for my WW post but it has also come in very handy to embellish the silver plate under my cake stand and cloche. What do ya say?
All these lovelies have made me very happy. Once again, thank you dear Cindy.

And now , to close a proper WW post, a little sightseeing around the apartment

Regali: sacchetto alla lavanda della Jeanne d'Arc Living.
Adoro la lavanda ed i cherubini. perfetto connubio per un regalo "alato" venuto dalla Germania
Gifts: lavender sachet from Jeanne d'Arc Living. I adore lavender and cherubs. The perfect combination for a "winged" gift that came all the way from Germany.
Sapete tutti ormai che amo particolarmente i saponi. Prima che sia giunto il momento di utilizzarli li lascio nei cassetti tra la biancheria. Un vero tripudio di fragranze quando apro l'armadio.
Scented gifts: soap.
You all knowby now that I love soap bars. And the nice thing about scented soap bars is that before the time to use them has come I nest them in my drawers where my clothes ar. When I open my wardrobe and drawers I'm always inebriated by a mezmerizing mixture of fragrances.

Hello Rita... everything is so beautiful, as always... I especially love your little Cherub from Germany, so sweet... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie
RispondiEliminaWew, I am soooooo glad it made it. I have been so worried. I am also glad that you liked it. I forgot about the "hope". It took a long time for that picture to apear and I didn't remember what it was until I saw the picture. He, He! What is that little black heart with the chrocheting on the top, hanging from the chair? It's darling. I was so worried about sending you the gummy bears, but then I thought, maybe she's never had them and she might like them. I'm so happy your hubby liked them too.
RispondiEliminaIT'S BEEN A GREAT HOLLIDAY. I LOOK FORWARD (WITH GREAT HOPE) FOR THE FUTURE. I hope you'll be apart of mine.
Tight Hugs
Just been enjoying your blog.Darling things youve recieved from Cindy. I also enjoyed your treasures around your apartment. That satin sachet is also sweet. Hugs Sally
RispondiEliminaBeh insomma.. facile per te dire non essere gelose..... un po' di gelosia c'è per tutte le meraviglie che hai ricevuto, ma non ti preoccupare è gelosia "buona"!!!! Splendido WW, come sempre!!
Rita this post is beautiful and I love all the silver you have. Silver is a weakness of mine. 'Isn't Cindy the sweetest thing? I love everything she makes and you giveaway wins are all wonderful. I am so happy that you were the one who got to win, as you are so sweet, my friend. I am so happy to count you as a friend.
Rita: What a pleasure to see such lovely gifts and an explanation in two languages. My husband is 3rd generation Italian, born and raised in Rome...New York. :-) I have at times wanted to learn the language and know more about both his Northern Italy and Sicilian families. My son has the Italian last name and little historical knowledge. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
RispondiEliminaRita dearest!!! How lovely are ALL of your objects of beauty! The silver on white, the little prettys under the cloche...just lovely. Your package is on its way in the snow and sleet. I wish you a warm and lovely day my friend! BISOUS! Anita
RispondiEliminaLove your whites today. White Wednesday is my favorite day of the week.
RispondiEliminaDearest Rita - I can understand, that you are happy with all those pretty gifts! Oh, and you heard the pretty bag and the bookmark calling your name? ;-) Well, then it must be yours! Congratulations to you!!! Thanks for showing us all these wonderful whites - I wish you a happy 2010! Hugs & ciao, Traude
RispondiEliminaBonjour Rita,
RispondiEliminaWhat lovely gifts you have received from Cindy - I do believe they were meant for you all along. Thank you for sharing all your silver with us, and the little German cherub bag.
Just one more day of school left for you, hope all went well. It can be hard getting back into the swing of things. If you have a chance I'd love to see what you think of my latest post.
We've gotten another sprinkling of snow in Paris again, but not too bad. I don't think you've had snow where you are but I'm sure it's cold.
Happy Friday and enjoy all those pretty gifts!
Dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaThank you so much for coming over to share your love story. So glad it all worked out so well, the two of you were meant to be together! I also appreciate you took the time to visit because I know you have been so busy your first week back after the holidays. You are a wonderful friend - Merci!
Dear Rita, thank you very much for your lovely presentation about the gifts that you received, expecially black penguin.
RispondiEliminaWith friendly
Thankyou for your kind words and compliments.About my roses I worked maybe 2 yrs perfecting the cabbage rose.Im still not exactly happy with them..Sometimes they dont always look that great..dont know why. I use acrylic paint mostly but when I use oil the roses seem to be more vibrant. I dont know why. I dont get to paint alot because I take care of my 21mon old granddaughter 4 days a week. Well I envy you for living in Italy..WOW..I went to Vienna austria about 10yrs ago.It will be a trip Ill never forget. Thankyou for your kind words..sally
RispondiEliminaHi there, thanks for visiting my blog. Any blog with Rose in it is a sure winner....
RispondiEliminaHope you have a great weekend.
Julie, Kindred Roses
Ciao cara Rita! Mille grazie del tuo commento con gli auguri di Buon Natale. Spero che hai passato delle belle feste come posso dire di noi. La vita di tutti giorni è riiniziata e pian piano spero che arrivi la primavera :) La luce è già cambiata e le giornate son diventate più lunghe! Da noi in Svizzera ci sono però al momento delle temperatute gelate e così bisognerà pazientarsi ed aspettare con ansia che la natura si risvegli! Ti auguro una buona domenica e ti mando cari saluti. Ciao da Lisa Libelle
RispondiEliminaWonderful pics on your blog, Rita! So many lovely things! Have a nice day! :)
RispondiEliminaOh, thank you so much for your kind words to me and my blog, Rita, I must say you have collected som pretty fine pictures yourselves on this blog as well.
RispondiEliminaJust love the beautiful, different coffee- and teecups! Making these finds is always a joy, dont you think?
Have a wonderful day, her it has been snowing for quite some time now, and we have a pretty thick layer!
Hugs Helle
Åhh så mycket underbara bilder man blitr helt salig!
RispondiEliminaKram Kathrine!