mercoledì 28 ottobre 2009


E' già passata una settimana in cui mi sono molto applicata nella scelta accurata dei soggetti da esibire per il mio quinto WW. Ne ho scattate davvero molte di foto, da quelle molto raffinate a quelle pià rustiche. Ebbene, dopo lunga riflessione, dopo ben 12+ ore trascorse in ufficio e guidata dal mio umore, ho pensato di andare molto più sul "rustico" ed esibire principalmente le mie creazioni shabby chic in bianco. Alcune di queste foto non sono proprio nuove di zecca dal momento che sono comparse in post precedenti, ma per questo non me ne vorrete.
Oh my, it's Wednesday already! Another has gone past and I've been very busy, work and family chores apart, taking photos and sorting them out during my tid bits of spare time for my WW # 5. I took so many and got rid of probably half of them as, you should know me by now, I'm never fully happy with my final results. Had a folder full of both refined and "rustic" pics, and having slept it over, finally decided to follow my mood today (after 12+ hours at the office today) and go for the more "rustic" ones this time. Some of them aren't actually new as what I'm posting today is mostly the result of my own shabby chic re-do projects of some old pieces found in thrift store and which badly needed a new life. All considering, putting them all together seems quite "whitely" consistent to me. Are you ready to start?
So, have yourselves a HapPy WhItE WeDnEsDaY!

Una banalissima stampellina di legno naturale, con una bella passata di bianco, ben rifinita con vernice spray ed il mio bel centrino, ha ripreso a vivere. Era così anonima nell'armadio.
This simple natural-wood clothes hanger came to new life with some coats of white acrylic paint, a good spray sealer and my crochet doily. Looks so darling to me now.
Ve l'ho già detto che adoro le cooperte boutis provenzali? Alcuni anni or sono ne avevo acquistata una veramente molto bella, color crema con delle bellissime rose (ho detto rose????????) e recentemente, approfittando di una svendita di fine stagione ne ho acquistata un'altra, proprio bianca. In raltà è per una piazza a mezzo, ma con un ppò di fantasia, sopra ad un'altra trapuntina con spunti di bianco sta proprio bene. Eppoi, per dirlo la mia criticissima figlia. potete crederci.
Did I tell you I love provencal boutis quilts? Well so is it. Several year ago I bought a very nice cream quilt with a very fine rose pattern (did I say ROSE?????) and back in September, at some end-of th season sale, I bought another one: A beautiful white boutis summer quilt which, unfortunately, is not for a larger size double bed like mine but only for a queen size. Then the dilemma: the price was reasonable enough, loved that boutis very much... shall I buy it? Went back to the store a couple of times (I think the ladies where getting sick and tired of me looking at that quilt over and over again) and then finally brought it home. With some fantasy, on top of another quilt with some white accents it looks just fab. I was very happy with it and so is my hypercritical daughter. So, if she says it's nice, you can trust her it to be very nice
YYY *** YYY Una bellissima rosa di capodimonte su di una alzatina per torte e coperta da una cloche... potet immaginare nulla di più "biancamente" dolcemente vezzoso?
A fine Capodimonte porcelain rose on a white cake stand under a cloche. can you imaging anything whitely sweetly nicer?

Un bel candelotto bianco adornato con un bel nastro e poggiato graziosamente su di un piattino di porcellana inglese (acquistato in un negozio dell'usato 3 per 2 euro!!!) e dei rametti di ghianda. Mi sembra rustico abbastanza,no?
My fine white pillar candle, wrapped with brown a satin ribbon graciously resting on a English china saucer (bought at my fave thrift store 3 for 2 Euros) with some accorn. Isn't it "whitely" rustic?
Recupero: passeggiando con la cagnolona in un piccolo sentiero rurale, ho trovato in un vecchio orto abbandonato, questo bidet di smalto, con delle vecchie pigne ormai in putrescenza. La prodigiosa bustina per la popo della cagnolona mi è stata di aiuto per prendere il bidet, rimuovere le pigne e trafugarlo a casa. ora, eccolo lì con un vero e proprio compito molto più nobile di quello per cui era nato - quello di ospitare e prendersi cura delle piantine grasse sul mio microbalcone.
Lucky find aka repurposed things
One gloomy morning I was walking my adorable dog out in the countryside when I happened to run into an abandoned garden. Right there, within easy reach was an old enamel bidet with some rotting pinecones gloating in rainwater. Lucky enough, I had some extra plastic dog baggies which turhed out very handy to remove th pinecones, give the bidet a quick clean and take it home. Now, all well cleaned it nests my succulent plants on my micro plant rack. Looks so lovely! Too bad the orginal purpose of this bidet was not as noble as it is now.
L'appendino: la mia penultima creazione che risale alla scorsa domenica è questo piccolo appendino. Era da un pò che avevo in mente di realizzarlo. Succede sovente che acquisto oggetti in legno grezzo,presa dall'entusiasmo del momento eppoi passano i mesi prima che ne venga fuori qualcosa. Finalmente eccolo qui, appeso in cucina.Mi sono persino cimentata nello stencil -,ai fatto prima.
The hanger: On Sunday I set my hands at work to do this project. Often time, on the spur of the moment, I buy things in natural wood with some project in my mind which I then never find the time to do. This way, things keep piling up in their as- they- are-condition and i get very frustrated. Well, after a very long time i finally had this project accomplished and there it hangs in my kitchen. Even tried my hand at stencilling. Not my cup of tea, must say.
Questa sedia l'avete già vista più volte. Ne avevo acquistate 3 per la modica cifra di 15 euro. 2 sono rimast nel loro colore noce originario, questa l'ho trasformata in decapè e devo farmi i complimenti perchè sono rimasta proprio soddisfatta del risultato finale. Eppoi è multipurpose, in quanto la utilizzo di volta involta come porta riviste, piuttosto che come suppporto per altri oggetti.
This chair is not new to you has you have seen it many times already. I hae bought 3 for 15 Euros. Two of them still preserve their nut color whereas for the third one I had big plans. It was going to be my first attempt with the distress technique. I was very happy with the final result and I'm still patting my shoulder myself. It's some sort of multi-purpose chair. i sometimes use it to place magazines and books or as support for other things -can be a copper watercan, a lamp, a hat box.
Stesso dicasi per questa poltroncina. anche questa già vista in altre foto.
Same goes for this other chair. Finished the project in June and keep it in my bedroom to place my clothes when I undress. BTW the curtains are antique embroidered ones that I bought at some fleamarket when I got married

Il mio porta riviste è una vecchia conoscenza. ora anche il secondo è stato decapato così siamo finalmente a posto. E la lista di oggetti da trasformare si sta assottigliando.
You've met this small bookcase before, if I remember well. I use it in our family room for home decor magazines. Now even the second one is done. The distress came out quite right and has a very fine shabby chic look. My of still to-do projects is become shorter!
Ed infine, ma non meno importante, la mia bellissima bianca cagnolona Titania. E' molto lieta di fare la sua grand entree in blogland.
And last but not least my beautiful white little one: my dog Titania. She is very pleased to meet you all my dear fellow blog friends and do her grand entree into blogland
Buon White Wednesday a tutti!
Wish you all a very happy White Wednesday!
Rita Y

sabato 24 ottobre 2009


Tra le varie cose ritrovate nel garage dei miei genitori, sono stati un gran numero di oggetti di rame, di varia vetustà. Il più bello, ma meno antico questo grande braciere che, dopo averlo ben lucidato, l'ho adibito a piccolo bar. Anche la specchiera che lo riflette viene dalla casa dei miei genitori. Dovendola svuotare per poterla mettere in vendita, ho fatto una bella cernità delle cose che avrei potuto conservarenei mei 70 metri quadri e poco più (ed in cantina). Ho creato quindi una piccola nicchia di rame e riflessi. mi piace osservarla perchè mi da quel calore di una volta che ormai non si trova più - che ne dici Eliana???????????
When I emptied my parents' garage I found a lot of copper treasures of various ages: some newer and some very very old. Didn't care much about the age nor the value, I simply took them all home and created a small "copper reflections" nook as also the mirror is coming from my parents' home. Thought it would enhance the warm and cozy atmosphere of past times that copper houseware was bringing in. What do you think Eliana???
My fave is the brazier which I converted into a small bar where I keep my wine and spirits. It add so much charm to that nook which was so empty to the eye before.
Quest'anfora è sicuramente più recente ma a me piace molto lì nel'angolino.
This amphora is certainly not so old but I like all the same there were I placed it, in the corner between a china cabinet and the brazier.
Questa pentola è molto vecchia,mi diceva la mamma appartenesse alla mia bisnonna. Mi è piaciuta così, invecchiata, e l'ho lasciata così senza lucidarla. Vi ho messo le ortensie essiccate e sembrano fatte l'una per le altre.
This pot is very very old instead. My mom had told me it belonged to my great-grandmother. Liked that "time-discolored" nuance and left if unpolished. Looks so fine to me with my dried hydrangea.

Guardate che delizia questo scaldino... roba d'altri tempi
Look at this lovely old bed warmer. isn't it just so pretty?
E che ne dite dell'innaffiatoio?
Ne ho ancora tanti di qesti oggetti in attesa di degna destinazione. Suggerimenti?????
How about this water can?
I still have so many olf pots and pans for which I shall find the right location. Any suggestions?

Con questi "caldi" pensieri del colore del rame, vi lascio che il letto mi aspetta e vi auguro la buona notte.


With these copper-colored heartwarming pics and thoughts I wish you all a good night. it's 1.29 in Italy and my bed is calling me - can hardly keep my eyes open.

BuOn FiNeSeTtImAnA!

HaVe a NicE WeEk-EnD!

Y Hugs

Rita Y

mercoledì 21 ottobre 2009


Ancora una volta è stata una settimana lunga e faticosa, meno male che con il pensiero del WW che teneva occupata la mente (e la borsa - con la fedelissima macchina fotografica) i giorni sono trascorsi un pò meno amari. Per di più oggi ci si è messa una sindrome similinfluenzale che mi ha reso dolente ed un pò pigra e quindi, eccomi sempre in ritardo a postare le foto per il WW. Colpa dell'ufficio dal quale non sono potuta librare fino alle 19.00...
Volevo iniziare con una foto un pò bizzarra. Lo scorso fine settimana con la mia dolce meta (il doppio in realtà) stavamo visitando un paesino medievale non lontano da dove viviamo ed ecco che questa finestrella con le su tendine bianche ed il bizzarrodrago bianco anch'esso mi è subito saltata all'occhio. Meno male che avevo dietro la macchina fotografica!!
Again it's been quite a tough week (altough we are only in the middle of the week, it's been hard enough!). The only thing that was keeping my spirits high was our weekly WW appointment, so I did quite a lot of thinking and picture taking to be properly prepared for the big event! Think I've told you already that I now alway keep my camera in my purse in order not to miss any opportunity for a nice pic suitable for our WW.
I'd like to start with a funny pic. Last week-end My hubby and I were visiting a small medieval town not too far from where we live when I saw this cute little white window with cute little white curtains and a cute little white dragon. As I had my camera right at hand didn't miss the shot!
Ed ecco un dolcissimo gessetto profumato a forma di rosa. Lo trovo "biancamente" adorabile.
Here's an "whitly" adorable scented rose shaped chalk. Love it and bought several which I keep in the oddest place around the house. They are tres romantique, n'est ce pas?
Ieri ho approfittato degli sconti in un negozio al centro per regalarmi questa bellissima tazza di porcellana con rose a rilievo - d'altra parte le mie manie non vengono assecondate da nessuno in famiglia e sono quindi costretta a coprirmi di regali. Bello, no???????
As nobody in the family is really giving much support to my love for useless things, often times I'm litterally forced to buy myself gifts (the word gift makesme feel less guilty for throwing money on useless thingies). The other day I bumped into a sale and bought this wonderful white tea cup with rose and butterfly relief. I find it simply "whitely" gorgeous. And when I proudly brought it home all I heard was "Ah, another cup... was it really necessary?" then my daugher added "And where do you think we can possibly place it - we are sooooooooooooo full" (well, i guess they are both sooooooooooo right)
Rovistando nel portagioie sono riemerse dal passato queste bellessime collane alle quali le foto non rendono giustizia. una è di perle (credo di qualità scadente mal dal colore meravigliosamente caldo) appartenuta alla mia nonna e l'altra una collana degli anni '30 con foglie di madreperla che avevo persino dimenticato di avere. ecco a cosa servono i WW - a setacciare la casa alla ricerca di oggetti bianchi da riscoprire con immenso piacere.
Upon opening my late mother's jewelry box two kind-of-old pretty necklaces sort of resuscitated from the past. Unfortunately my lack of technological skills with myh digital camera doens't enable me to show their true beauty, but trust me they are simply gorgoeus: a pearl necklace - quite cheap I believe but very nice in color belonged to my grandmother - and a mother-of-pearl one with hand-made leaves from the early 30's which I had even forgotten to exist. This is the fun part of WW's - roaming around the house looking for whites to be shown with immense pleasure.
Al negozio dell'usato ho trovato questo delizioso portacandele. Il negoziante insisteva sull'antichità dell'oggetto sulla quale meglio stendere un veloi pietoso. Il prezzo - 4 euro - è stato determinante: adoro i porta bugie.

At my usual thrift store I found this nicely chipped candle holder. I had quite a discussion with the store owner who was insisting on the fact that it is genuinely antique... I put an end to th discussion and bought it and the cheap price was my drive - plus I have a small collection of candle holders but no enamel one.
Dulcis in fundo, ecco il meglio della settimana.
Ancora alle prese con llo sgoombro del garage di mia madre, ecco spuntar fuori un vecchissimo baule con quello che credevo essere andato ormai irrimediabilmente perduto - vecchi merletti abiti appartenuti alla mia bisnonna, Ersilia.
Li ho subito lavati e disinfettati con cura e, purtroppo solo in parte, stirati. Per il momento possono bastare, che ne dite?
Il ricamo sul centrino è "Amore e Fede", una vera opera d'arte

Last but not least, here's my best finds of the week. While still striving to
finish emptying my mother's garage I found a very old dusty chest containg clothes and laces that once had belonged to my Great-grandmother Ersilia (ever met her, only heard about her
thru my mother's recollection of stories from her youth.
I brought everything home, washed with germicide and I'm nearly finished with the ironing (only have a couple of funny embroidered unerwears with lace still to be ironed).
Look at this wonderful embroidered tablecloth saying Love and Faith.
La camicia da notte è della bisnonna Ersilia (con il monogramma a punto croce che, a causa della mia scarsa familiarità con la tecnologia della macchina fotografica digitale, non sono riuscita ad ingrandire)
This is my greatgrandmother's monogrammmed nightgown (too bad couldn't set the camera to photograph the tiny red monogram)
un'ultima chicca ma decisamente più recente è questa belissima camicia di pizzo, ingiallita dal tempo ed usurata. Bella comunque e per di più bianca!
And my last treasure, though definitely vintage rather than antique is this lace lady's blouse. yellowed and worn out by the unmerciful flowing of time is still a beauty to me. Cannot wear it as it isn't my size but it's pretty to keep in the wardrobe.

domenica 18 ottobre 2009


Purtroppo l'autunno è ormai inesorabilmente arrivato. Non ne sentivo la mancanza, anzi tutt'altro: adoro le temperature miti di quegli ottobri in cui l'estate sembra restia ad andarsene. Ebbene, questa settimana - naturalmente come annunciato dalle "previdenti"previsioni del tempo - siamo passati repentinamente dai 25 ai 13.5 gradi in un sol colpo. Ed ecco la necessità di adeguare al mutamento del tempo atmosferico il proprio abbigliamento e la propria alimentazione a quanto di stagione. on più qulle meravigliose albicocche del color del sole, le ciliege, le pesche, i fichi e le prugne, ma ora è tornato il tempo delle mele.
Poichè oggi, come tutti i sabati, è stato il giorno della mia spesa settimanale, ecco che hanno fatto capolino in casa le prime mele. A Marti non dispiace. Lei del resto non ama la frutta (così come la verdura), quindi si trova perfettamente a suo agio con le mele. Io rimpiango la frutta con i colori del sole. Il lato positivo è , i duri programmi dalla giornata permettendo (i.el lo sgombro finale del garage della mamma), l'auspicata preparazione di una deliziosa apple crumble. Fa piacere mangiarla tiepida con un pò di panna.


Didn't think it would come so soon. Actually we've had quite a long and hot summer which started already in May and thought we might continue to enjoy warm temperatures still for another while. Too bad th weather man had wisely forecasted a change for this week and, to put in in nut shell, temperatures dropped from 25 °C down to 13.5°C in ONE day. Can you believe that?

Heard in Bavaria as well as in the northern part of the country they're already having snow! Awuful for a person like me who would like there to be only ONE season: Summer. End of the story, had to start switching the heating on and change not only our clothes but also our eating habit all in a jiffy. No more strawberries, cherries, those wonderful sun-colored apricots and peaches, nor figs. What we will commence fall with is apples. Though my daughter will be quite happy as she does not fancy Summer fruit that much, I do not enthuse over apples. The only good thing about apples is that, my plans for tomorrow permitting (got to finish emptying my mother's garage, to make the apartment more palatable for people possibly interested in purchasing it) I will bake an apple crumble which will make us all very happy.
I'll keep you posted!

meantime...HaVe A VeRy NiCe SuNdAy!!

with love

Rita Y

mercoledì 14 ottobre 2009


So it's Wednesday again and here I am posting my WW pics for this week. Again, needless topsay, a lot of preparation. I now keep my digital camera in my purse at all times so that I can have it right at hand when needed for a sudden "WW epiphany".
Well, enough of chatting now, let's open a white door on this week whites I was at the company's guesthouse ( a Liberty-style villa dating back the early 1900's) for some company event last week and look what we have got here: gorgeous pig-iron heaters. Aren't they indeed very beautiful and charming? I'd love to have such heaters in my apartment.
Let's have a closer look...they emanate such a romantic charm
And now my white candels in cherry glasses supervised by a cherub.
I guess that the gilded cherub doesn't count for a WW but I found it made a cute pic with the candles.
I'm still not yet done with emptying my mom's apartment. I feel there's a part of me that doesn't want to let the things of my past go. Everything in there speaks about my beloved ones who are no longer with me and everytime I go in there I feel a pang of anxiety. It's high time I come to terms with this though, so, no more whining and let's get things done.
In fact, while getting rid of all the useless stuff that had been piling up for decades in memory of those who had left this earth before my mom, I happened to find this cute brown vintage leather suitcase which had once belonged to my grandmother. I'm sure it isn't very old but it looks indeed worn out and that adds a lot to it. Must have a seen quite some traveling...
When still thinking whether to keep it or not it suddenly came to my mind that it'd be the perfect place to nest my lucky find from last weekend's fleamarket: a lovely off-white crochet bed throw. BTW off-white does count for WW's, doesn't it?
It was staring at me from the vendor's booth and I had to have it. Not a bargain - as I told you before, fleamarkets in Italy can be quit expensive and you can't expect to go there and bring home real bargains. After a long nerve-wrecking "negotiation" the throw was sold to me for 20 Euros, which is not bad for Italy, but would have been sold for much less at some yard sale in the US - I guess perhaps only a few bucks. What do you say you dearest US blog friends?
But, as I said, I had to have it. The funny thing is i didn't need it... isn't this after all the best part of going bargain hunting at fleamarkets? You go home with some useless trophy and tell your hubby that it was soooooooooooo cheap that you just couldn't leave it behind. White lies, aren't they?
And here's a close-up. Look at those tiny flowers. Must have been quite a work for the patient hands that made the throw!
A cute lil bag that I use to keep my soap bars. it's so vintagey, with all that lace and silk roses

Speaking about soap here's one of my fav: kissing angels, and it smells very nice too.
Of course I do not use it, just keep it in the bathroom for some extra charm!
This is one of my loveliest cold porcelain roses wooden box. I had never made a white box (I usually paint them in brown for a more dramatic look when completed with roses) and had never tried my hand at making yellow roses either (younever can tell how the color will turn out when the dough is dry). So, an expeeriment from beginning to end. Well, in the end I was very happy with the final result and to me it looks very shabby chic
And last but not least, a present I got today from a co-worker. Knowing I have a blog this morning she came to me with a bag containing this wonderful B&G danish porcelain and a capodimonte porcelain rose basket.
Couldn't post the basket today but this pretty dog IS white. It reminds me of my dog and has got such a sweet little muzzle, has it not?
It is also a very expensive figurine.
Elisa never left a comment on my blog but she has given her precious contribution to it all the same (and often times soome advise, too). So Thank you Elisa.
Well , it seems to be all for now, otherwise I'll soon run out of whites to post. Better save some for the next WW's.
Happy White Wednesday to you all.
BTW, thanks for bearing all my verbousness - many of you probably fell asleep before reaching the end of my post LOL. I know, I'm awful
Rita Y