Mie dolci bloggherine,
è già da un pò che ho trascurato, pur sentendone enormemente la mancanza, l'appuntamento settimanale del White Wednesday così carinamennte ospitato da Kathleen di Faded Charm.
E' che nonostante i buoni propositi, la vita, la famiglia, il lavoro si mettono tra i piedi e... inevitabilmente l'amatissimo blog finisce in fondo alla lista di priorità.
Durante l'ultimo mercatino dell'antiquariato che ho visitato, assai scadente debbo dire - una decina di deludenti bancarelle in tutto - ho finalmente trovato un pò di ispirazione.
Avendo finalmente venduto l'appartamento di mia madre, mi sto concentrando ora sulla scelta, assai ardua, di trovare una casetta con giardino ed ecco che quello che prima passava inosservato ora attrae la mia attenzione.
Che ne dite di questi puttini bianchi, un pò invecchiati, ma deliziosi?
My sweet bloggerettes,
much to my regret haven't been able to join the fun of Kathleen's weekly White Wednesday appointment.
It's just that with family, work and most of all LIFE, time never seems to be enough and first things must inevitably come first hence my much loved blog ends up last on my priority list.
During last week's visit to a rather disappointing nearby flea market I finally found the inspiration I was looking for.
As most of you already know I was finally able to sell my late mother's apartment and can now concentrat on my search for a little house with a small garden. Hence, things I'd ignore before are now attracting my attention: look at these lovely chipped and tarnished garden cherubs. aren't they just so darling?

And how about these garden benches? Find them perfect to enjoy a sunny afternoon in the garden, perhaps reading a book or flipping the pages of a home decor magazine

isn't this pot so shabby chic? I'm loving it and will definitely be among the first thing to populate my garden, if I'm lucky enough to find the house of my dreams

Le foto purtroppo non rendono giustizia, ma credetemi le federe sono assolutamente deliziose ele cifre veramente preziose.
Despite my disappointment for the limited number of vendors and the lack of the treasures I was hoping to find, I managed not to leave the market empty-handed. In fact for 5 euros I found some delightful embroidered monogrammed pillow cases of various sizes. I adore monogrammed vintage linens and these, trust me, are absolutely lovely and in perfect condition. Too bad the pics I took do not do them justice so I guess you'll have to take my word for it. Next step is find pillows of the right size to fill them with. They will look stunning on my sofa or still better on my bed

Hello Rita... the shabby cherubs are precious! And so is the garden bench... the vintage linens are so very pretty... Happy Spring to you! xoxo Julie Marie
RispondiEliminaOh Rita, these are marvelous finds! NO disappointment here! I see that you have been so busy....I sure missed you. But these finds I know are what you love (me too!) and the way you display them and show them to us is so fun and endearing. I miss you! May all your priorities come to a slower pace and may you find rest my dear friend.
RispondiEliminaPeace,, Anita
O magari sorseggiando un thè e facendo due chiacchere con un' amica.... sulla bellissima panchina shabby.. adoro il fatto che sognare non costa proprio niente.. ed allora in questa giornata triste e piovosa, sogno di essere li con te nel tuo prossimo giardino sulla tua prossima panchina a sorseggiare thè!!!!
Che belle le panchine ...i putti ..... il vaso .... sarebbe un giardino propio in pieno shabbystyle ...io personalmente sogno il tavolo e le sedie in ferro battuto bianco nel mio giardino farebbero un figurone ma purtroppo costano tantissimo...e allora ho deciso che le comprerò nere e le vernicerò!
RispondiEliminaComplimenti per tutto anche per le federe che per quel prezzo sono regalate (hai fatto un'affare)
Dopo alcuni giorni che non hai pubblicato e bello rivedere il tuo Blog con le meravigliose cose che presenti, perfetti nel giardino che desideri e che ti auguro di trovare i putti delle foto.
Rita the garden angels are beautiful! And those benches**sigh**. I do have that little planter in my garden and love it. I do hope that you find the perfect place to make your home. I know it will bring you such joy finding ways to make it as lovely as the home you have made where you are now.
Bonjour dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaYou did find some gorgeous pieces. And the pot and benches will wait for your garden. WIshing you much success in your hunt for the perfect home.
Did you recieve my email, I re-posted it..Gmail has gone crazy I think!
Happy Friday,
CIAO, dearest Rita I definitively hope you WILL FIND your dream-house, because it will be wonderful with all the treasures like cherubs or such a pretty bench or flower pot! And your monogrammed pillow cases are wonderful, too!!!
RispondiEliminaHugs, Traude
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminaI love all of your whites, but my heart goes to the wonderful bench. I could use and love that bench in my backyard.
The Swedish Room
Hi Rita, I was lucky to find some more great and fun, unusual finds yesterday on my hunt so I came home a happy girl. I adore your monogrammed linens. I don't find too many of those where I am from but when I do I grab them up. Happy belated White Wednesday. Miles of Smiles, Lynn
RispondiEliminaOh Rita, those cherubs and bench are exactly what I need for my garden. And you found them all in one place. If they are yours I am so jealous.
RispondiEliminaI thought you'd found your new home????? You showed some pictures!!!!
I loved my visit
Your friend forever in America
Nice blog you have with fine pictures.
RispondiEliminaHug Stina
wow!! Beautiful finds!! I love that gorgeous white bench seat! And those roses are so lovely :) Thanks for sharing!
RispondiEliminaBuongiorno Rita,
RispondiEliminala panchina è davvero un sogno come la vorrei...
Buon inizio settimana!
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminaI'm visiting your blog via 'Tilly Rose' blog.
I too adore roses, lace linen fabrics...all sorts of things. I have many hobbies and interests.
Thank you for sharing your blog.
Best wishes,
My sweet, sweet Rita! How are you dear and lovely lady? It is so nice to see you at the theatre production of our imagination. I so enjoy creating and bouncing off the imaginations of my dear esteemed friends makes it a great and fun experience. I hope you are well and happy my dear. Bless you, and have a very happy Easter! LIFE, LOVE AND ETERNAL BLISS, THANK GOD!
Oh, thank you sooo much for the nice words! You are very welcome back!
RispondiEliminaLovely monogrammed sheets you've got there :)
Love, Stine
Ciao Rita, passo di qui per puro caso e scopro tante cose fantastiche! Le tue incredibile e meravigliose creazioni ed il tuo fantastico blog, meritano una visita molto approfondita! di certo tornero' a trovarti!
RispondiEliminaHello Rita
RispondiEliminaThank you for visit my blog and thanks for beautiful comments… sorry for my English – not my strongest side. But I am now “Sostenitori” to you blog. I will look into you blog, but for me is very difficult to write back in English… You have a beautiful blog ♥ ♥ ♥ love Mette
Tusen takk for fine ord du igjen i bloggen min! Det gjør meg glad: o)
RispondiEliminaDin vintage engler vinkler er virkelig vakker og putevar er jus georgeous! Jeg var så glad å finne noe lignende på min lokale secound hånden butikken: o))
Jeg tror mange av oss har vanskelig å finne tid for bloging nå og da - er det så mange ting som skal gjøres!
Ønsker deg lykke til i å finne et nytt hus. God påske til deg: o))
Klem Solveig
Hello dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaall the white things are gorgeous and I hope you will get the chance to by your dream house so that you can extensively decorate it with those beautiful things.... the bench is my absolutly favorite...in the meantime you can enjoy your lovely monogrammed pillow cases....I looooove monograms....
Have a great time
Many warm hugs
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminathe things you found, the sofa, the cherubs and the pot are all so lovely and shabby chic.
Very nice that you visited my blog and said such lovely things about it.
Eva Agnes
Thank you so very much for finding my blog and for saying such sweet things. I am here visiting YOU and ADORE your blog. White and inspirational! And your teacups are so pretty. How lovely to have found you, too. My husbands family is from Italy and came to the US in 1918. Let's keep in touch...I am following your blog now!
RispondiEliminaHappy Easter.
Hi: Thank you for visiting my blog. Your visit lead me to your blog. Your things are beautiful. I love all your tea cups. I want to invite you to Tea Cup Tuesday. Your cups are something other cup lovers should see. Have a wonderful Easter. Blessings, Martha
RispondiEliminaDear Rita, thanks for your visit. You are such a sweetie, always with kind words. Sorry to hear that things are so busy for you but I am sure at some point they will start to slow down. You have definitely spied some lovely white goodies here. All the best for finding your dream home so that you can fill it with so many beautiful things. Love those old monogrammed linens. A true find! Enjoy and have a blessed Easter weekend. Many blessings, Tammy
RispondiEliminaRita darling wishing you and your family a joyous and blessed Easter. I am so lucky to have you as a friend. Therefore, this Easter I will count my blessings and will count you twice luv.
RispondiEliminaLove & Hugs
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