questo fine settimana si è tenuto il nostro consueto mercatino mensile dell'antiquarito. Benchè conosca ormai personalmente tutti gli esposoriti e sappia altrettanto bene che le possibilità di trovare cose particolarmente notevoli e ad un prezzo favorevole si siano ormai fatte rare, cerco di non perdermi mai questo appuntamento appuntamento. Per cose di maggior pregio (e prezzo, naturalmente) mi reco altrove...
Questa volta ho portato a casa, al costo di 1 € ciascuno, soltanto dei piccoli tesori in argento: posate vendute al pezzo e talmente annerite che per far emergere dall'inclemenza del tempo e dell'incuria mi ci sono volute ore di olio di gomito ed un intero flacone di Duraglit. Ne è valsa la pena... date uno sguardo. Che dite?
Ho una passione per l'argento,come chi di voi mi segue già sa, quindi me ero felice e soddisfatta nel rientrare baldanzosamente a casa con i miei tesori.
Hi My dear Bloggerettes,
Our local monthly fleamarket took place this weekend. Although I already know each of the vendors by name and with some of them I have even developed a close personal relationship, and although I know that this is not the right place where to expect great finds at bargain prices, I still try not to miss these monthly appointments. For finds of a higher quality (and great prices as well) got to go elsewhere...
Despite my lack of expectations, I was lucky enough to bring home with me a few silver treasures: mismatched silverware for 1 euro each, so dirty and tarnished with age and that it took me hours of elbow grease and nearly one bottle of Duraglit to bring them back to a fairly good condition.
I have a thing for silver, you know, so I was very happy about my lucky finds while gingerly walking home, and immediately found a special place for each of them to showcase them all
It was all worth it... have a close look! What do ya think ladies?
It was all worth it... have a close look! What do ya think ladies?

Ho avuto un piccolo problema con le foto che non riesco a riposizionare come dovrebbero realmente andare ma l'effetto c'è comunque!
These two spoons below my fave, as I found them so unique because of an engraved family crest on the first and a monogram and crest on the second.
Must confess had a little problem trying to re-position the pics here as I had lost a couple while typing my text and couldn't place them back where they belong. No big deal after all, as I'm sure you can figure out where they actually belong.
And a silver salad serving set, placed on a Sheffield basket for a nicer effect

and last but not least, these adorable antique silver plated salad tongs. Soooooooo cute, just couldn't leave them behind, could I?
Fino al mio prossimo post, auguro a tutte una buona settimana!

Until my next post, wish ya all a fab week!
Bisous by yours truly
Y Rita
Hello Rita, oooh, your silver pieces are gorgeous! I am not sure which is my favorite... but I think it is the serving set... I love them all though, so pretty! Bisous... Julie Marie
RispondiEliminaRita you are a girl after my own heart. I love silver and any kind of silverware. Your pieces are all so lovely. I'm so glad that you would share these with us. I love them.
Dear Rita, you are very lucky about to find the special goods to the market. Your passions for antiquity is excellent.
RispondiEliminaWith compliments!!!
Decisamente ottimi acquisti per pochi euro!!!
RispondiEliminaPurtroppo a Como di mercatini dell' antiquariato ce nè solo uno ma con pochissimi espositori saranno una decina di bancarelle che propongono sempre le stesse cose!!
OMG RIta, you've done it again, with wonderful whites and silver tones....I love it all. I hope you are well and that spring is coming your way!!! Anita
RispondiEliminaAn impressive collection! Take care:)
RispondiEliminathanks for coming to my blog again. love to hear people are coming to it. I m sorry that I had not followed your blog, it is lovely.Following now! Post if you want an extra chance for the bunny.
Hi Rita
RispondiEliminaI love silver too - you found some great pieces. Thank you for your sweet comment - it's much appreciated. Leigh
My sweet and wonderful Rita,
RispondiEliminaYou certainly have someone watching over you, and like me, you no longer have your momma; mine was a real angel and to this day, I can't remember a time that she was not doing something for someone else. With her limited funds, education and skills, she managed to show me the two most important things to know:
How to live and how to die. Quietly, humbly and courageously.
Peace and Bisous ma belle, Anita
Bonjour dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaYou made some great finds, I have a special thing for silver as well. The initials and crests are marvelous.
Hope you are doing well my friend.
I do love silver ... even for jewelry (or white gold). You found some fabulous silverware and tongs. Sending warm wishes your way for a bright and beautiful day! Many blessings, Tammy
RispondiEliminaLovely finds! I like the same spoons that you like with the crest on them. Just beautiful!
RispondiEliminaYou found some beautiful silver pieces- I love them!
I love silver!! you have such lovly pieces!!thank you for your post!!
RispondiEliminaI just love old silver cutlery like you, Rita and I can very much understand how happy you are for the fortunate finds.
RispondiEliminaThey are cute for decoration as well as for daily use!
You have a lovely weekend
hugs Helle
dear rita,
RispondiEliminawhat lovely silver treasures. i have a weakness
for silver tongs and serving pieces. you found
some gorgeous ones.
Gorgeous silver pieces Rita!!! I think you did great...wonderful finds!!!
RispondiEliminaHugs ~
:) T
the silver is so so pretty! I'm like you...I like the bargain shopping but also real shops too...wherever the treasures are, that's where I go!
Rita, your silver is simply divine! Wonderful finds!
RispondiEliminaHave a great Saturday!
Your silver is truly beautiful. It is displayed so lovely.
RispondiEliminaThanks for stopping by to say hi.
Rita darling what a lucky girl, you found so many treasures at the flea market. I agree with you the spoons are a great find with the family crest and all. I am like you darling, I love odd silver pieces and have a gorgeous pink crystal cup on my table and have placed my teaspoons and small dessert forks in it and the cup sits on my table at all times. What is interesting is that just this past weekend, I too found a very lovely spoon. It is larger than a teaspoon and smaller than a soup spoon with a family crest, which unfortunately has been terribly scratched and since it was under the sppon I got it anyway. I love it and love yours, all the pieces, the salad one will come in handy. Enjoy them my darling friend. WIshing you a blessed spring, full of sunshine and happiness.
RispondiEliminaLove & Hugs
Dearest Rita, your silver fleamarket-treasures are AMAZING!!! So pretty and special! And Rita, I want to tell you that I found silver-forks and -knives on my last flea-market-visit, too. And what do you think where they are made? In Italy! :o) I will show them in my next posting - this time I show my "hall-renovation" for White Wednesday :o)
RispondiEliminaSending lots of hugs to you, Traude