Hi and welcome again to my blog for the weekly White Wednesday appointment hosted Kathleen at Faded Charm. I'ts been exactly ONE week since my last post - shame on me! I really need WW's to slow down, take some time for myself, sit at my computer and start posting. I know I've become a little lazy lately, maybe due to the colder weather or simply to my being a tad overworked. I do not know, but I'm glad there's always a WW waiting for some new white inspiration.***
Durante il fine-settimana ho trovato persino il tempo, tra una faccenda ed un'altra, per andare per vetrine, cosa che faccio con grande piacere. Inutile dirlo che il piacere si accresce notevolmente quando posso anche comperare, oltre che ammirare.
L'approssimarsi delle festività ha riempito di bianco tutte le vetrine. Sono uscita munita di macchina fotografica ed ho rubacchiato più o meno furtivamente tutto ciò che ha colpito la mia attenzione.

L'approssimarsi delle festività ha riempito di bianco tutte le vetrine. Sono uscita munita di macchina fotografica ed ho rubacchiato più o meno furtivamente tutto ciò che ha colpito la mia attenzione.
Over the weekend, between one errand and another, I even found the time to do a little windowshopping. This is one thing I always do with great pleasure, which is, needless to say it, greatly enhanced when I can do some shopping, too. The fast- approaching holiday season has filled up shop windows with a great array of elegant and distinct white home decorative accessories and accents, so it didn't take much effort to have the right inspiration. Took my digital camera along and snitched some pics here and there. Hope you'll enjoy those I'll be sharing today.

White with some color too: a gorgeous silk roses sphere for that special touch
Le candele bianche sono d'obbligo ovunque
Guardate che meraviglia queste lussuose sfere di perle bianche. Tres charmant, n'est-ce pas?
Look at these luxurious baubles covered in white pearls. Tres charmant, n'est-ce pas?
White with some color too: a gorgeous silk roses sphere for that special touch

White candles are definitely a must-have
Look at these luxurious baubles covered in white pearls. Tres charmant, n'est-ce pas?
More white candles and glass baubles

White ornaments by the fireplaces for a warm and cozy atmosphere
Some more candles
ed eccovi una superchicca: una enorme stella coperta di minuscole perline circondata da nastri di raso e fili di cristallo
E che ne dite di questo pavone? Un pò eccessivo per i miei gusti, ma comunque molto Natalizio per chi ama il genere
Per chiudere la serata, un omaggio alla forma perfetta: un enorme uovo di oca che mi è stato regalato dal mio carissimo collega e fedele lettore Filippo. Come potete immaginare, l'uovo è naturalmente finito in padella per una squisita frittata.
Scommetto che la mia cagnolona le adorerebbe
A nice cream tote-bag with luxurious beaded pearl ornaments.
A nice cream tote-bag with luxurious beaded pearl ornaments.
Bet my dog would love them... LOL

And now I have s super-treat for youe eyes only: a large star ornament covered in tiny beaded pearls with hanging white satin ribbons and crystal pendants

How about this white peacock? I little too much for my own taste but still Christmasey
How about this white peacock? I little too much for my own taste but still Christmasey
Facciamo ora un saltino da me, prima di salutarci, per qualche candela bianca e l'ultima rosa della stagione
Now chez moi, before I bid you good night, for some more white candles and the last white rose of the season

Last but not least, a tribute to perfection: a huge white goose egg which has been given me by my dear friend, co-worker and faithful reader Filipppo. As you can easily imagine, the egg ended up in a pan to be cooked into a delicious omelette which we enjoyed for dinner.
Last but not least, a tribute to perfection: a huge white goose egg which has been given me by my dear friend, co-worker and faithful reader Filipppo. As you can easily imagine, the egg ended up in a pan to be cooked into a delicious omelette which we enjoyed for dinner.
Y Rita
Just beautiful...... Blessings Rita
RispondiEliminaHello Rita, all of your whites are so pretty... I love all of the beaded things... I think the beautiful white peacock is my favorite... Bisous... Julie Marie
RispondiEliminaHi Rita very nice post with candels, that remember us that Xmas is near,you have created a soft and gracious atmosphere.Thank you very much about you mention.Ciao!
Rita!!! Good evening! It is almost Thanksgiving for us here in the U.S....we are all very excited for this time of the year when we have vacation from work and time with friends and family. I just love your posts with white; that tote bag is so pretty with the pearl ornaments! I started decorating the house for Christmas and this year, it is white with silver ornaments and natural elements like dried hydrangeas on the tree. I love it and you inspired me by your white posts!
RispondiEliminaI send you my warmest wishes for a great weekend; come and visit my Thanksgiving post and come mushroom picking with me! Ciao, Anita
Always white lovelies from you. Don't let a whole week go by without posting. I know you have lots of wonderful treasures to share. Blessings to you, :) Tammy
RispondiEliminaHello Rita, thank you for visiting and very nice comment. Your blog is so beautiful too! I will like visit your blog again. I'm glad for the new friendship:)Nice evening
Rita dearest!
RispondiEliminaThank you for visiting my kick-off Christmas!!! Yes, lights, love and celebration awaits all and most of all, the hope that it all celebrates. Bisous my dear friend in Italy....Anita
Thanks for sharing all those pictures, Christmas is definitely in the air.
RispondiEliminaHola querida Rita,
RispondiEliminaDon't you just love all the beautiful things stores display and sell during the holidays? I love all the white! Oh! And I love, love, love the pearl beaded star. Gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you'll be sharing next. Until next time sweet friend. Blessings to you.
Hi Rita ~
RispondiEliminaYour photos are very nice. Love the luxurious baubles covered in white pearls and the beaded star ornament. Sweet blessing for you to live in romantic Italy! I like your idea about the heart shaped button garland/wreath thing! Perfect for your next WW. Have a happy day!
I like your fairy dust whenever I move my cursor. :+)
Ma che negozi incantevoli e pieni di atmosfera ci sono dove vivi tu.. a parte il pavone.. tutto il resto e' veramente schiccoso e.. bianco!!!!
Hello dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaI got so much white inspiration from your post today. The white beaded star is just amazing...and those pearl spheres too. I love to have white candles all over the place at Christmas time too. It looks like Christmas made to the stores in your part of the world!
Rita, thank you for stopping by and leaving the sweet comment. This is my first time visiting your blog, but it won't be the last! I love all of your White Wednesday photos...beautiful photography.
RispondiEliminaHi Rita,
RispondiEliminathank you for your so very kind words on my blog! I really do appreciate that you like my way of decorating the house. And yes, I like different styles, too - English, French, Nordic. And somehow it works to combine them.
Do you speak German (I'm asking because of the German parts of your comment)? If so, I would leave future comments in my mother tongue, but English is no problem neither.
Have a wonderful Sunday,
Hugs, Angelika
Hello Rita,
RispondiEliminawonderful photos you show from your window-shopping. This time of year the windows are so beautiful decorated. I also love ambling through the lanes and enjoy the great atmosphere...
Have a cosy weekend
Hugs, Bine
Bonjour Rita! All these white Christmas photos are so beautiful, especially the pearl ornaments - I hope to find similar ones here in Paris. Happy decorating!
RispondiEliminaCiao Rita,
RispondiEliminaI´m so happy that y like my things and inspire! Thank y for visit me, it´s always fun to have friends over the world and share this beautiful white things. Looking in y pictures and I can see the fantastic things of structure y have in Italy, so beautiful y have in your home and I really like it.
Here I will come and visit many times, that´s for shure! Many hugs Elin.
Chere amie,
RispondiEliminaI am going to do a post on the Christmas traditions of different cultures...I was wondering if you could send me some ideas of how you celebrate the holidays with food, tradition, decor and other things in Italy! Please email me at:
How are you my dear? I am at school at the moment. Please email me your ideas when you get a chance! Anita
great point