Era da molto che volevo postar queste foto per potervi raccontare una delle tante storie della mia famiglia.
La mia nonna paterna, che lasciò questo mondo alla veneranda età di 96 anni nel 1984, era stata in gioventù balia di un pargolo di nobilissime origini ed aveva pertanto abitato con suo marito ed il mio papà in un antico palazzo che lei chiamava il castello.
Come era consuetudine per le balie, venivano loro spesso fatti dei doni, e questa bellissima scatola portagioie è uno di quelli che lei lasciò in eredità alla mia mamma e che lei, a sua volta, ha lasciato a me. Ho sempre amato tantissimo questa scatola, sia per la sua fattezza che per il bellissimo volto raffigurato.
i gioielli di famiglia, sempre appartenuti alla nonna,ma, naturalmente non regalo dei conti, sono anch'essi meravigliosi e li indosso con religiosa riluttanza per il timore di rovinarli se non addirittura perderli...
I had been wanting to post these pics for a quit a long time to have an opportunity to show you some antique family trasures and thus share some family stories.
My father's mother, who left this world at the respectable age of 96 in 1984, had, in her younger years, had worked as a we burse for some local noble family. For this reason, for some years she, my grandfather (whom I never met) and my dad a very young child, lived in a mansion she used to refer to as "the castle".
As customary, wet nurses were often times given gifts and this gorgeous jewelry box is one of those. She handed it down to her much loved daughter-in-law (my mother) who then handed it down to me. I have always cherished it very much both for the marvelous piece of craftmanship it is and also for the portait of this misterious beautiful lady.
The jewels are also old family gifts which I also adore though I'm a little reluctant to wear as I fear I might lose them or even worse damage them as they are not as sturd as jewels made nowadays. Love those earrings with ruby and small diamonds and the rings are also gorgeous.
Hope you'll enjoy looking at the box as much as I still do every morning when getting ready for work, even after so many years.
I've asked myself many times who this beautiful dame could ever have been
La nonna amava raccontarmi storie un pò "speciali" sugli abitanti del castello... credeteci o no, mi diceva fosse abitato da fantasmi. Raccontava che spesso, quando mio nonno si radeva dvanti allo specchio scorgesse delle figure alle sue spalle. E di notte, qualche spiritello burlone tirava via le coperte. Narrava anche di una donna in abiti antichi che a volte incontravano sulla strada verso il castello, e che molti giuravano di aver incontrato, che improvvisamente spariva nel nulla con la sua brocca d'acqua sul capo. Strane storie, ma in fondo, chissà... Sarebbe stata molto adatta per la notte di Halloween ma sarebbe diventata così banale...

Grandma loved to tell us stories, some very "special" ones on the castle dwellers...
believe it or not she'd tell us that there were ghosts. She'd tell us that when grandpa was shaving in front of the mirror he'd often see someone staring at him from behind. And at night, some playful soul would play with their blanket pulling it out. I've also heard from her (and from my dad, too) about a lady in older attire whom they would met now and then - and many people had also happened to see her- who would all of a sudden disappear together with the water jug she was carrying on ther head.
These stories would have been perfect for Halloween, but, on the other hand, as they belong to my family history I didn't really want to spoil them out.

Questo bellissimo anello è appartenuto anch'esso a mia nonna, un regalo del nonno. Le foto non gli rendono giustizia in quanto, pietra a parte che credo sia totalmente priva di valore, la montatura è una vera opera d'arte fatta di rose in miniatura con le loro preziose foglioline di argento.
Also this ring belonged to my grandmother - it was a gift from my grandfather. I tried to take the best possible shots but indeed, my fault, they do not do it justice as it is a marvelous piece of craftsmanship. The stone itself is worth nothing, my mother told me once, but the setting is so stunning with those precious tiny miniature roses and leaves.
I'm so prod of these family treasures not for their value but for their deepest meaning which is link between me and my past.

Questo bellissimo anello è appartenuto anch'esso a mia nonna, un regalo del nonno. Le foto non gli rendono giustizia in quanto, pietra a parte che credo sia totalmente priva di valore, la montatura è una vera opera d'arte fatta di rose in miniatura con le loro preziose foglioline di argento.
Also this ring belonged to my grandmother - it was a gift from my grandfather. I tried to take the best possible shots but indeed, my fault, they do not do it justice as it is a marvelous piece of craftsmanship. The stone itself is worth nothing, my mother told me once, but the setting is so stunning with those precious tiny miniature roses and leaves.
I'm so prod of these family treasures not for their value but for their deepest meaning which is link between me and my past.

Bonjour! Thank you for sharing these wonderful family treasures with us! The lady's portrait on the box is beautiful and the jewelry is stunning - you should definitely wear them. Perhaps you can take them to a jeweler to make sure of the fit so you won't be afraid of losing anything. I know how precious things are when they have been owned by someone who was dear to us. Enjoy these cherished heirlooms!
RispondiEliminaAwesome! story & treasures to cherish forever.
RispondiEliminaHow fortunate for you, Rita.
Pop over for our giveaway. TTFN ~ Marydon
Rita these heirlooms must mean a great deal to you. It is wonderful that you have had them handed down to you now to enjoy. The box is just lovely with that pretty woman there on the top. The ring also is a treasure. Such a lovely post to read tonight.
What a beautiful family piece to have! And your *whites* are all so pretty too.
In this moment I open the blog and with a lot surprise I have seen the treasure that you have showed, is normaly to say you that the things are very beatiful as is normal for you to present beatiful objects;
RispondiEliminais very interessant the story about the ghosts, I think that is true your story, I belive to the house with good ghostsinside.
By Rita
Beautiful story sweet friend! Love all the whites, too!
RispondiEliminaDo you know you bless me? LOVE YOUR BLOGGIE!
G'morn, sweetie ~ To enter the giveaway go to the Nov. 1st post where the giveaway is at & enter there please.
RispondiEliminaTY for coming by, Rita. Have a lovely day.
TTFN ~Marydon
Liebe Rita, thanks for sharing this wonderful stories and the pictures of your treasures!!! The rings and earrings are wonderful, and I adore this pretty box with the picture of beautiful lady! Sooo schön!!!
RispondiEliminaCiao und herzliche Grüße, Traude
Bonjour once again! Just stopping by to let you know you have an award over at my blog. If you would prefer not to participate, no worries at all, just wanted to say how much I enjoy visiting your pretty blog.
RispondiEliminaHello Rita! So glad you are pleased with the award. I'm still new at this blogging too so we can learn together!
RispondiEliminaI received it from Bonjour Madame and here are the rules: you tell 7 things about yourself, and pass it along to 7 other bloggers that you like. I think that is it, if you don't wish to tell about yourself or participate you don't have to. Congratulations Rita, you deserve it. I've been so touched reading how you so carefully treasure things belonging to your loved ones! Let me know if you have any other questions, I probably won't know the answer but we'll figure it out!
Hi Rita. No you are not petering me at all! I probably did not explain it properly because I don't know what I'm doing either - ha ha!
RispondiEliminaYes, you write 7 things about yourself on your blog. Then you are to pass the award on to 7 other bloggers. I think you just take a copy of the award and put it on your blog. I should have put a picture of the award on my post - oops! I will do that now and then you can take a copy of it from there! Sorry I confused it. (I did my 7 things about myself a few posts back.)
Hope that helps, let me know! :)
Rita, beautiful photos of your treasures. I love the blue ring
you are as sweet as the roses all over this page ... thank you for such endearing comments about my blog ... I am considering everything you said as very important.
RispondiEliminayour ring is stunning!!!I have a gene in my body for vintage jewelry ...
Such a sweet post.....thank you so much for the mentiion on my giveaway. I'm glad I stopped by...your blog is beautiful! xojana
RispondiEliminaHello Rita! So very nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by my blog & leaving such a sweet comment! I really appreciate that! Your blog is beautiful! What wonderful stories & memories you have of your family! I love that gorgeous Jewelry box & Jewelry!! I'll take my time visiting & reading your archives.. Hope you can come back & visit with me again soon! & Thank you for becoming a follower! I've signed up to follow you! ~ Blessings ~ Teresa
RispondiEliminaWhat beautiful family treasures. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful stories with us and for preserving the history of your family. You are fortunate to have such special items in your loving care. All the best to you, :) Tammy
RispondiEliminaRita ~ Hello! I'm so glad that I discovered your wonderful blog. I looked back at some of your past posts and really enjoyed them too. So I have just now signed up to be your follower because I do not want to miss a thing!
RispondiEliminaCynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)
Hello Rita thanks for sharing the story... I love castles...the pieces are gorgeous..and thanks for comment at mine...Hugs from Puerto Rico
RispondiEliminaHola Rita,
RispondiEliminaWhat wonderful stories and beautiful treasures. These items are priceless and I see why you care for them so much. It is so wonderful to me that one little piece of jewelry can carry so much history. Love the beautiful box and all your other treasures. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
Hasta Pronto,
Bonjour Rita, Just wanted to check in and make sure everything was understood - I feel a little foolish, I think I totally did not explain things properly. Have a great night!
RispondiEliminaHi Rita, thanks for coming by, your post is just wonderful! I love the stories of your family and how they lived. (even with the ghosts)Your jewelry keepsake box is so beautiful and the jewels themselves are one-of-a-kind treasures! Thank you for sharing these beauties with us. Hope you are having a wonderful week!
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