Hi and welcome to my White Wednesday # 6 hosted by Kathleen at Faded Charm.
La mia scatola da lavoro, con i miei preziosi bottoni di madreperla, i miei merletti,, i vecchi rocchetti in legno della nonna... raccoglie un pò di tutto ciò che ho di bianco e di "biancamente" prezioso.

My lovely rose box where i keep my precious vintag mother-of-pearl buttons, my crochet borders, ggrandma's old wooden thread reels, the millinery pearl pins... nests all my "whitely" precious items

Cute little white bird cages photographed at the market
Il mio nuovo servizio da tè di porcellana bavarese acquistato al mercatino dell'usato per soli 7 €, e di cui mi sono compiaciuta. Le tazze sono belle panciute decorate con delle timide roselline.
Prima che le zucche diventino fuori stagione, eccovi la la piccola zucca bianca che da tanto cercavo e che,del tutto casualente, ho trovato al mercatino della famosa Fiera dei Morti. Puramente deliziosa!
Cute little white bird cages photographed at the market

My new bavarian china tea set (too bad no teapot) bought for only 7 Euros at the thrift market. I believe it has very little value in itself although the china is of very good quality, but it was, once again, love at first sight. I simply couldn't resist those cute chubby cups with a "shy li'l roses" decor. sooooooooooo lovely.

Before pumpkins become ouf os season, here's the cute little white pumpkin that I had spent so much time searching for and finally, by pure chance, found at our renowned Allsaints Market (believe it or not, this market lasts 5 whole days!!!!!!!) which has become a yearly family tradition since my college years when I was only 20. Soooooooo cute.
Ed ora come si conviene, nella stagione fredda, prima di coricarsi, dell'ottima crema per le mani per donare loro la meritata morbidezza.
White candles, silver candleholders and old silver cutlery made gentler by the garden's last white roses.

And now, as the cold season is approaching at a very fast pace, before going to bed let's be gentle to our hard working precious little hands with some Atkinson's Rice bran oil hand cream. Smells soooooooo nice...just love it
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminaThanks for coming by my blog and entering my giveaway! Love all of your pretty things! Your precious buttons and lace are just gorgeous! Cute white pumpkin too! Pretty blog too!
Hi Rita, What a charming blog. I absolutely love buttons and ecru crocheted lace too.
RispondiEliminacome visit
Adoro i tuoi mercoledì bianchi.. ma quanto dureranno?? Fra un po' sarà difficile trovare sempre cose nuove (e bianche) da mostrarci.. ma io spero che tu ne abbia una scorta infinita!!!!
Happy White Wednesday Rita.
RispondiEliminaI love the white trim lace it's gorgeous.
Beautiful pictures.
I start my day to the work with your blog (is my pleasure) and I am sure that is better way to start a typical and boring day in office, for have a joyful day.!!!
RispondiEliminaThank you Rita
Hallo, liebe Rita! Ich liebe Spitze und Knöpfe - und die Vogelkäfige sind auch wunderschön! Sehr hübsch, all das Weiß, das du uns zeigst - danke!
RispondiEliminaCiao, Traude
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminaThanks for stopping by and leaving kind words! Your blog is lovely and I love your mother of pearl buttons and lace! Happy White Wednesday!
Ciao, Laura
Ciao Rita, mi piacciono sopratutto i merletti e le gabbie degli uccelli. Spero tutto bene in Italia Ciao Rita da mammabellarte
RispondiEliminaDearest Rita!
RispondiEliminaHow wonderful to hear from you! Thank you our bien, merci beaucoup, gracias, (grazia, grazie??) for your lovely comments and for telling me a bit about yourself! For 17 years, you taught English; no wonder your English is marvelous! I have been to Italy only once; I went ot Cinqua Terra and I had the best time. And, Italian food is my favorite food of all time. Real Italian food in Italy is the best! Your blog on White Wednesday is simply chic and evokes a peaceful feeling. I love white and the different textures and shades of white. I too love to decorate and make beautiful things. Being an elementary teacher in a French immersion school however doesn't leave me much time for much. Just the weekends I try to squeeze in blogging which I just love and my harp playing and some small projects. Thank you for visiting me. Please come back and I too will put you on my blog list. I just love meeting wonderful people like you from all over this wonderful world. Keep happy and it's almost the weekend!!!! Bisous, Anita
RispondiEliminaWhat a beautiful post! You and I seem to have much in common! I love everything Italian (especially the food, wines, and cameos:). Someday hubby and I hope to visit the Tuscan region to taste the wines:). I am so glad that you stopped my blog! I look forward to visiting your lovely blog again soon!
Hi Rita! What wonderful White Wednesday pictures you have shown!! Everything is sooooo lovely! And I see that you like vintage sewing supplies as much as I do :) Your new china set is so pretty too...
RispondiElimina:) T
Thanks for entering my giveaway--sure you can enter from Italy! :) I used to live in Italy for a few years in La Maddalena--how I miss it! :)
RispondiEliminaDear Rita,
RispondiEliminayour blog is really lovely and your white things absolute treasures.
Happy wk,
We do have a lot in common, you are right...even your favourite artists are also mine....I will add you to my blogroll so that more people will find you...it 's a bit scarry..I see things I own myself...
RispondiEliminaHi Rita
RispondiEliminaI love all your white things, especially the rose box - gorgeous. Thank you for visiting Brabourne Farm and for your lovely comment. Leigh