So che le immagini di questo post sono un pò datate, ed era già da qualche tempo che volevo postarle, ma come sovente mi accade, tra una cosa e l'altra, sono passati ben 17 oops, vista l'ora, 18 giorni dall'evento che, in ogni caso, val sempre la pena condividere.
Se vi trovate a passare in quel di Perugia tra il 1 ed il 5 di Novembre, non mancate di visitare la rinomatissima Fiera di Morti. Nasce nel medioevo come Fiera di Ognissanti e nel tmpo ha modificato il proprio nome in Fiera dei Morti. Sono 5 giorni di intensa attività con centinaia di bancarelle di ogni tipo provenienti non soltanto dal centro italia, ma, ormai da qualche anno anche dall'estero.
Andare alla fiera dei Morti è una tradizione che risale al primo anno di università - preistoria direte voi... ebbene si. In ogni caso abbiamo iniziato la tradizione con quello che 25 anni fa era il mio ragazzo ed è poi divenato mio marito.
Se possibile, andiamo ogni anno. Capirete bene come un tale evento che comporta ore ed ore trascorse a sbirciare da una bancarella all'altra possa costituire l'incubo di ogni uomo, eppur in questo mi appoggia e poi finiamo la giornata nella nostra tavola calda preferita a mangiare cose che ci ricordano i nostri anni di universitari - 25 anni più giovani.
Da qualche anno a questa parte, la fiera si è arricchita di bancarelle provenienti anche dall'estero che aggiungono un tocco in più di colore a quella città meravigliosamente internazionale quale è Perugia.
Ho scattato alla svelta qualche foto degli espositori più caratteristici, come quello di una famiglia di Potsdam che produce manufatti, soprattutto capi di abbigliamento, di colore indaco come si faceva una volta.
I have been wanting to make this post for a long time now- 17 days in fact, oops, looking at my computer's watch it is now 18 days, but for on reason or another I could never get to put all my pics together to choose the ones I liked best. So, with nearly a month delay here I am with my short reportage on the traditional All Saints' Fair.
In fact, those of you who happen to be in the vicinity of Perugia between November 1 and 5, really ought to plan a trip there as this fair is an event certainly not to be missed.
Having its origins, like most fairs, back in Medieval times, vendors from central Italy reach the place to display their goods for this 5-day non-stop sale. In recent years, there's been a great addition to the fair as vendors or simply exhibitors from other countries also have their own booths. A real feast for the eyes.
Despite the distance, some 80 kilometers from where I live, going to the fair has been a "family" tradition which started 25 years ago, when in my college years (it is in fact in Perugia that I attended university and graduated) with the young man who was then my boyfriend and ended up being my DH.
We try to keep the tradition and , circumstances permitting, go every year.
It's quite a challenge for a man to walk for hours thru isles of hundreds of booths, carrying heavy bags of "useless" things. But he then has his reward as, still sticking to tradition, to end our day we have our lunch at ouf all time fave diner.
Among the most interesting vendors, we saw a family from Potsdam displaying their indigo blue handmade clothes which are still made in the traditional way. Although they took me for an Austrian as I made a little show off of my German (quite poor, I'll tell you) at a certain point I could no longer follow their explanation (although I kept nodding to show interest), therefore I won't be able to share it with you. Maybe you'll be better off simply looking at my pics.

Sono tornata a casa con le erbe di provenza, un bellissimo boutis, e decine di saponi naturali. La mia fragranza preferita è il fico e ne ho fatto incetta!!!
And now, no explanations needed, some air of Provence: food specialties, spices, herbs, soaps, boutis and all the like. Hope you'll enjoy the beautiful colors as, unfortunately, can't share the inebriating fragrances with you.
And now, no explanations needed, some air of Provence: food specialties, spices, herbs, soaps, boutis and all the like. Hope you'll enjoy the beautiful colors as, unfortunately, can't share the inebriating fragrances with you.
Bought some herbs, a beautiful boutis, and dozens of soaps (my fave fragrance is fig!!!). My DH still wonders whether all of that was at all NECESSARY...
Rita what a fun treat. I had such a fun time visiting tonight on your blog. I closed my eyes and I could smell all the fragrance's in the air, what a lovely treat. You are right the colors were so charming, I loved the chair, oh how I wish I could visit, such a wonderful place. Thank you for the pictures and letting me join you this evening.
RispondiEliminaHappy Holidays
¸.+´¸.•*´¨) ¸.+*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.+´♥ Heidi ♥
In a day of autumn is beatiful and surrealistic to see a lot colors to remember the spring. Have a good day Rita.!!
Oh Rita, what a wonderful fair. This must have been such fun to attend and take it all in. I would have gone nuts here. So many wonderful things to see and taste. I LOVE that brightly colored chair. Thanks for taking us along.
Bonjour ma belle! Oh Rita, these are such lovely, wonderful photos! Thank you! I love Europe and Provence. I was there 3 months and I saw so many great things such as these that you share. SOAP is my favorite affordable luxury and surely, the French and Italians can deliver a beautiful product. THE FOOD is a dream come true and I met the nicest people on all of my excursions. You have a wonderful touch mon amie!
RispondiEliminaHaave a beautiful day my new friend. Anita
Very nice photos. It must be interesting tradition:)
RispondiEliminaFantastic! I wish I could have been there. I am sure it was lovely and wonderful. All your photos are great. Imagine still handprinting your own material to make clothes. So beautiful! I love chairs that are covered with different, colorful materials. Hope you are having a great day! Best wishes, Tammy
RispondiEliminaSo glad you came to visit! Your blog is wonderful and I've signed as a follower!!! Love these gorgeous chairs and all the other treasures as well! Thanks so sharing and please keep in touch! Coralie