Sono stata felice ed onorata del riconoscimento che mi è stato così dolcemente dato da Mimi di Bonjour Romance http://bonjourromance.blogspot.com/.
Con lo stesso piacere con cui l'ho ricevuto vorrei ora passarlo a 7 blog meravigliosi che amo molto visitare e che sono stati, ciascuno in maniera diversa, grande fonte di ispirazione.
The award that has been passed along to me by Mimi Bleu from Bonjour Romance (http://bonjourromance.blogspot.com/) has filled my little heart (and my big Ego LOL) with humble joy and gratitude.
It is now with the same joy that I would like to pass it along to 7 wonderful blogs that
I enjoy visiting very much and which have, each in its own way, being a great source of inspiration to me.
All you have to do is share with us (in a post) 7 things about sweet self and then pass along the award to 7 other wonderful blogs.
If you are an award-free blog or do not wish to share 7 things about yourself, no need to worry. Your blogs are still wonderful and inspiring and the award was meant for you anyway, to let you and our blogger friends know how much I enjoy each and every visit I make.
The wonderful blogs are:
Janice @ http://thefadedcottage.blogspot.com/

Laura @ http://52flea.blogspot.com/
Tracey @ http://frenchlarkspur.blogspot.com/
Magoda @ http://chatamagoda.blogspot.com/

Y Rita
Hi Rita!
RispondiEliminaCongratulations on your award! You deserve it! Thank you so very much for thinking of me when passing your award on....I am honored!
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!
Take care,
Hi Rita, you have a beautiful blog. I have just found it via Leigh at Brabourne farm. I am looking forward to reading some of your older posts and would love to follow you.
Oh Rita what a sweetheart you are!! First of all, congratulations to you on YOUR award...your blog is truly wonderful!!!
RispondiEliminaAnd secondly, THANK YOU for passing this award on to me and listing me among all of those other incredible blogs...I truly appreciate it! Yor kindness has made me smile :)
I like how you included a picture with each blog you listed!
Once again, I hope have a wonderful weekend!!
:) T
Congrats Ms. Rita! So deserving!
Bonsoir chère Rita! Congratulation on your award! I got one last week...how lovely, isn't it, to make such wonderful acquaintences and friends. You are a lovely woman, thank you for always leaving such nice comments. Have a beautiful weekend, Anita
RispondiEliminaBella la descrizione di altri blog.
Grazie Rita, sono molto contenta.
Oh Rita!
RispondiEliminaThank You for award and congratulations for your award!
Your blog is beautiful and you - I think - you are very warm and nice woman!
It is very big honor for me!
Have a nice weekend!
Many greetings!
Congratulations to your award - und die Blogs, die du dir ausgesucht hast, sind gut gewählt, liebe Rita !!!
RispondiEliminaHugs & Ciao, Traude
Dear Rita,
RispondiEliminaI am really nicely surprised. I be glad that you visit me and thank you for award. I see that you put one's heart into your blog. You have deserved award. Congratulations. Best wishes.
Rita dear! Thank you for coming to visit me again! Yes, a fireplace and a hot cup of tea, coffee or chocolate always put me at ease! How wonderful to know someone in Italy! You must be about 6 hours ahead of us here! Get a good nights sleep! Bisous, Anita
RispondiEliminaHi Rita,
RispondiEliminaI am soooo honored to win an award, it's the first award I have ever won, I am beyond thrilled!! Your blog is just beautiful and congrats to you as well for winning the award!!
I'll be back to visit you real soon!!
Thanks so much for thinking about me. Sweets to you, Janice
Bonjour Rita! What a lovely collection of blogs you have passed this award along to. I'll be checking out each one. Enjoy your weekend.
RispondiEliminaHi, lovely Rita! wow!!! just a few days away... and what happened!!???!?!! so many fans on your blog! I am so happy for you, darling. you DO deserve it!
RispondiEliminatake care, laura (pess)
Hallo Rita, thank you für your nice koment.
RispondiEliminaI like your blog also.
Werde gerne hier weiter reinschauen die Fotos gefallen mir sehr gut.
Dir auch einen schönen domenika? oder so?