venerdì 13 aprile 2012


Il tempo è proprio uggioso in questi giorni, niente a che vedere con le meravigliose giornate primaverili ed il caldo piacevole delle scorse settimane. Troppo bello per durare, dico io. Eppoi, per dirla tutta, per scongiurare un'estate siccitosa, la pioggia era assolutamente necessaria. Certo, magari temperature un pò più miti sarebbero gradite, ma dato che non possiamo avere tutto io ho cercato di portare un pò di primavera all'interno del mio nido con un mazzetto di ranuncoli bianchi in un'antica caffettiera. Il solo guardare questi dolci ranuncoli mi fa stare meglio. Non è forse vero che anche le piccole cose possono fare una grande differenza?

The weather is rather gloomy these days. All we have had over the past week is rain rain and again rain. Way different from the wonderful sunny spring days and warmer temperatures of late March. Too good to last, I say. But to be fully honest, after the dry Winter we had rain was badly needed. Certainly I would be happier if temps were a bit milder but since we can't have it all, despite the weather I've tried to at least create a Spring-ish atmosphere inside my home with a small bouquet of white ranunculus which are now sitting in an antique coffee post on my white side board. That's just enough to perk up my day. After all isn't it so very true that even the small things can make a big difference? ***



Trofeo dell'ultima visita al locale mercatino delle pulci è una deliziosa tazza colore verde acqua con un delicato decoro di foglie in oro zecchino, un pò usurato in alcuni punti ma pur sempre bello da guardare. Me ne sono innamorata subito (tra le tante debolezze c'è anche quella per le tazze da tè!!!) me la sono portata a casa con tanto di piattino e piatto per dolci per la modica cifra di 5 euro. Così shabby chic! Anche lei sa tanto di primavera ed oggi ho approfittato del pomeriggio da dover trascorrere in casa a causa della pioggia (e della pigrizia!) per godermi un ottimo tè alle 5, accoccolata su divano mentre sfogliavo i nuovi numeri delle mie riviste di arredamento preferite. Pura beatitudine!

And now on to another Spring-ish note, here's a treasure from my last visit to the local flea market: a lovely vintage aqua green teacup trio with a gilded foliage decor border. So shabby chic! I love love love it! It was love at first sight (many of you know that teacups are another weakness of mine he he he!!!) and had to bring it home with me, which I did for a mere 5 euros!!! I find it so Spring-ish and as I had to stay in because of the rain this afternoon, I treated myself to a delicious five o'clock tea in my new cup cozied up on the couch while reading this month's issues of my fave home decor magazines (for a change!).
It was pure bliss!




Vi auguro di cuore un piacevole fine settimana!

Wishing you all a great weekend!


33 commenti:

  1. Hi Rita, glad to see you back. I checked here a few times but you still weren't posting. I hope all is well in your corner of the world. Congrats on your new apartment. Take care! And have a great weekend. Tammy

  2. Hi Rita, lovely pictures of the blooms, and also such extraordinary teacups: their colour, their design.

  3. Hi Rita,
    I am SO HAPPY you enjoyed your visit to my Cottage and I AM SO HAPPY to be here! I have joined in to FOLLOW YOU!!! I hope you will be following me too(if you like). I see we DO have lots in common, I TOO love to bring my new teacups home and after giving them a BUBBLEBATH, ENJOY a nice cup of coffee or tea in them! I usually have COFFEE...Tea is something I drink in a HUGE MUG and very strong...
    I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your new teacup&saucer!
    So Happy to have met you,
    Have a wonderful week,
    Hugs to you,

  4. Beautiful Ranunculas, one of my favorite flowers along with Roses and Hydrangea. That is such a pretty cup and saucer, a great find. Tea in a pretty cup and a good decorating book...My favorite way to spend an afternoon. Thanks for visiting me. I'm now following along.

  5. Thank you for stopping by my lil'blog and leaving such a sweet comment!!

    Enjoy your new teacup :)

    Greetings from Australia♥

  6. Buongiorno Rita e buona domenica! Grazie per le tue visite nel blog, molto gradite. Si respira un'aria così romantica qui, è tutto molto fine. Complimenti!


  7. Dear Rita,
    So lovely pictures of the roses. And the coffee cup with the Swedish pepparkaka :O)
    Have a lovely Sunday
    Kram Agneta

  8. Beautiful blog, so lovely images:-) Hugs, Biljana

  9. So lovely teacup and i like your
    white flowers. Hope you get sunny
    days now.

  10. Hi darling...beatiful white ranonkels.....buttercups......every month i send 4 English JDL to Italy....the ladies love them.....happy

  11. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. And I am really glad to be here on your blog. You have a beautiful and inspiring blog.
    Have a nice evening.
    Warm regards,

  12. Your florals are beautiful, and so is the teacup. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm a new follower.

  13. Hi Rita,
    So sorry that you have had such gloomy weather, but you fixed it with my favorite pass time, combing through the gorgeous magazines! Your flowers are so gorgeous they brighten up any room. Are they fragrant as well? The white looks amazing with the silver and chrystal.
    Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great week!

  14. Già queste orribili giornate invogliano alla pigrizia in casa...
    hai fatto proprio un bell'acquisto e che dolcezza i ranuncoli bianchi
    Buon inizio di settimana

  15. You are such a wonderful photographer! Love all these photos.

    thank you for your sweet remarks on my blog - you are such a darling!!

    Have a fabulous week!


  16. Your photos are beautiful. I love the flowers and the tea makes me want to reach in and grab a cup. Thanks so much for visiting with me and for your very nice comments:-)

  17. oh your photos are soooo beautiful!!! I am so glad you stopped by so I could find your gorgeous blog. What a breath of fresh air-:) chris

  18. Dear Rita,
    What stunning photographs ..... you have such a talent for putting things together. The white roses are beautiful and your china lovely and very 'English' !!
    We have got a hosepipe ban here as we haven't had much rain but, over the last few days the weather has been making up for it as it has been raining for about 3 days !! We definitely need it though. I was driving in the countryside yesterday and the blossom, new green growth and lush fields of green and gold are beautiful. I love the Spring. Thanks so much for your lovely comment today. XXXX

  19. Hello Rita
    Your white roses are to die for! What a great tea cup & saucer you have found for your collection.. Have a great week and I hope your rain lets up soon.

  20. Dear Rita,

    Thank you for your kind words!

    Your pictures are fantastic ranunculus and is of course your blog as well!

    Best regards,

  21. Belle le foto dei ranuncoli bianchi.. ho trovato il tuo sito e mi sono iscritta...
    un saluto Elisa

  22. Hallo dear Rita!!

    here in sweden..near stockholm it´s raining AND snowing..Its a cold day and the sky is very grey..not soo cosy!!

    I love the pictures of the white small cakes..

    Have a nice weekend now!!

    Hugs Sanne

  23. Grazie di essere passata e per tutti i bei complimenti...sono daccordo con te...le piccole cose sono i particolari che ci distinguono!!!
    Buona serata e a presto

  24. Hi Rita!
    Thank´s for your kind comment on my blog!
    That made me discover your gorgeous blog.
    Such nice pictures and an inspiring text...I'll for sure will visite you again!
    Have a wonderful weekend

  25. Dear Rita,

    thank you so much for stopping by. Yes - it's right ... often the little things change the atmosphere. And flowers are perfect for a good mood!

    Take care

  26. Bellissime foto Rita i ranuncoli sono tra i miei fiori preferiti. Grazie per il precedente post sei stata davvero gentile e carina e mi scuso ma non lo avevo visto. Che sia una felice domenica ciao Silvia

  27. Dearest Rita, may be that the weather is not so fine, but your photos are very spring-like and beautiful!!! :o)
    Warm Küschelbüschel-hugs (and some hearts and flowers ;o))
    from Traude

  28. Thank you so much for sweet words on my blog:) Im happy that you like it. Its a shame that you dont have twitter or FB though, its easier to follow by.
    Come back and visit soon, I have more swedish inspieration for you:)

    LOVE Maria

  29. Thank you for your invite ...You have a very very nice blog . I will be visit you again .

  30. Thank you for the sweet comment. Your blog is lovely.
    Blessings & hugs,
