giovedì 24 settembre 2009


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Benchè normalmente lo faccia in primavera, quest'anno, per alterne vicende, ho rimandato di settimana in settimana il lavaggio dei miei preziosi merletti e centrini , sino a che la scorsa domenica non è diventato ormai inevitabile. Adoro il profumo del sapone di marsiglia con cui li lavo - tassativamente a mano - ed ora che le temperature sono diventate piacevoli ho stranamente gradito persino stirarli. La parte migliore è stata ricollocarli al loro posto dal momento che sapevo che li avrei poi fotografati per qualche post futuro. Per ora eccoveli tutti puliti, ben stirati ed in bella mostra.
Ho persino deciso di provare a realizzare ghirlande di edera, fino a che nuovi rami sono ancora in crescita e prima che l'incedere dell'autunno la renda inutilizzabile. L'effetto mi è piaciuto, ma mi è piaciuto ancor più appenderle alle maniglie delle porte. Conferiscono alla casa un bell'effetto di colore discreto che ci fa pensare,anche se soltanto per un brevissimo istante, che l'estate non è ancora finita.

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Though I normally do it in spring, this year I kept postponing and postponing the washing of my laces and doilies, until last Sunday it finally became inevitable.
I adore the homey smell of Marseille natural soap when handwashing my precious ones and, strange enough, now that the temperatures have become quite pleasant I didn't even mind ironing them, which is something I usually do with a certain degree of unwillingness.
The best part was placing them back where they belong, well knowing that sooner or later they woud end up in my blog. Hope you ejoy looking at them as much as I do displaying them. I never seem to get tired of having them around. and some of them are rather precious,too.
Even decided to try my hand at making some ivy wreaths now that new ivy branches are still growing. Enjoyed doing it a great deal and enjoyed even more hanging them on my doors
for display. They afford the place such a descreet hint of color which let us believe, even if only for a brief moment, that Summer is perhaps not yet over! Too bad the leaves have jus started to curl up which makes me fear they won't last very long. Never mind, still it was great fun making them. My thanks to my sweet daughter for helping.

Rita Y

3 commenti:

  1. hi, rita, i just left a comment on her site and asked if i could participate, then she will get back to you, welcome to blog land, i am sure you will like it, i will become a follower, thank you so much for the visit

  2. Your doilies and laces are beautiful. I found your blog by the link for White Wednesdays and have enjoyed my visit here. I see you live in Italy. Although I have visited several European countries I have never been to Italy. I have always wanted to go see the colosseum in Rome.
