eccoci di nuovo alle prese con un altro Teacup Tuesday. Debbo ammettere che questa volta non mi sono preparata a dovere, non ho scattato molte foto e non ho avuto l'imbarazzo della scelta su cosa postare.
Ciò non toglie che il piacere di partecipare al Teacup Tuesday è sempre enorme e mi offre la possibilità di guardare le mie adoratissime tazze in maniera sempre diversa.
Questa volta ho deciso di condividere con voi il mio trio Enoch Wedgwood acquistato su ebay qualche mese fa. il set è decisamente un mix 'n' match in quanto, a parte le due tazze, sia la caffettiera che la caraffina appartengono a potters diversi... eppoi sono ancora alla ricerca di una zuccheriera che non riesco a trovare da nessuna parte.
Hi my dearest bloggerettes, days are rolling along so quick lately that another Teacup Tuesday is here. Didn't have the time to work much on the pics I wanted to post this week but at the same time didn't want to miss the fun of joining the party... so all I did was grab my camera and take a few shots of my red transferware Enoch Wedgwood trio. Actually this is a sort of mix 'n' match set, where all the pieces are coming from different potters. I love every single piece though and never tire of looking at it (I showcase it on the upper shelf of my bookcase as all my china cabinets are filled to the brim). YYY
Well dearest, given our theme, get yourself a warm cup of tea and hop over to our sweet hostesses Martha and Terri who are always delighting us with the most wonderful cups ever. And BTW, do not forget all the other sweet bloggerettes who are participating in this week's fun.
As for me, I wish you all a grea Teacup Tuesday.
Y Rita
Hi Rita,
RispondiEliminaImagine finding such a pretty heart to go with it! I love this red transfer ware and can imagine you admire it all the time.
Happy Tea Times,
RispondiEliminaDear Rita
RispondiEliminaI love that Pink transfer !
Meeting you is always a nice surprise
Hello Rita,
RispondiEliminaHow lovely!! Your red transferware is gorgeous!!
I stopped into a local thriftstore today and bought a Meakin Tintern milk jug for only $1.00!!! I was so excited. It is now in my collection of jugs!!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Warm hugs, Laura
Your red transferware tea set is delightful!
RispondiEliminaHI Rita..gorgeous post..I love love love your tea is magnificent and full of charm and beauty! Lovely!
RispondiEliminahappy tea time!
Hi Rita: I have always wanted a tea set like yours. It is so beautiful. I just love the red. Thank you so much for sharing it with us this week. It truly is a treasure. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha
RispondiEliminaThe red transfer ware is wonderful! I am growing more and more fond of it as I see it in blogs like yours~I am glad you grabbed your camera and took pictures anyway, thank-you.
RispondiEliminaRita sono belli tutti e tre però la teiera è quella che mi piace di più!!!!Sono contenta che hai ripreso il tuo appuntamento...mi mancavi!!!
RispondiEliminaUN Bacio !!
Hi Rita, how's everything now after the shaking and rumbling? That would be scary.
RispondiEliminaI know what you mean about the days going so fast. Just not enough hours for everything and can't seem to keep up. I do make time for some blogging every day. But no matter what I try, I just can't do it all.
Love your red transferware. And that sweet heart that matches so perfectly. Hope you've had a wonderful Wednesday. Wishing you all the best. :) Tammy
Very lovely! The colors are so beautiful, and your tea cups so very pretty. The matching heart is very sweet.
Hi Rita! Thanks for stopping by my TT post! You have a beautiful red transferware set there! I, too, have had to resort to decorating the tops of bookcases as that's the only space left! HA!
RispondiEliminaHave a wonderful day!
Ciao Rita, il tuo servito è veramente delizioso, io adoro le porcellane e le tazze da thè in primis (specie quelle decorate sia all'esterno che all'interno).
RispondiEliminaSe ti va mi spieghi cos'è il Teacup Tuesday?
Grazie ^_^
Hello Rita
RispondiEliminaI love your red transferware! I too have some pieces and seem to be addited to the colour! Have a great rest of the week.
♥ Olá, amiga!
RispondiEliminaPassei para uma visitinha...♥♥
Tudo está muito lindo e de bom gosto... amei!...♥
♥ Boa semana!
♥♥ Itabira
Hi Rita! Thanks for visiting my blog! I love all your gorgeous red transferware. And I see from your header picture that you also collect blue. I do too!! One of these days I will have to post some pictures of my blue dishes.
RispondiEliminai collect that, too! you have such lovely and
RispondiEliminaunusual pieces. i need to hunt more carefully,
before you get all the good stuff! :)
thank you for visiting my daughter's blog, that
was very sweet of you.
OMG RITA! This red Transferware is stunning! WOW! And your photos are so soft and pretty...dearest one, it is so wonderful to see your beautiful face on the comments page! HOW GOES IT? Oh dear, we are all so busy, aren't we? I am sitting here, contemplating whether I should get a substitute for today, not because I am sick, but I am so TIRED...I just don't know if I can make it in. But family and friends always are my rock and yes, our husbands do SO MUCH FOR US! I wish you peace, love and JOY in your heart as the year winds down and prepares us for festivities that again remind us of the blessings in our lives and the blessings we can be....enjoy your weekend dear friend. BISES, Anita
RispondiEliminaGorgeous transferware! Absolutely gorgeous!!
RispondiEliminaOh sweetie this is just gorgeous! I love the little heart next to the tea cup! Your blog is darling!
Hello Rita! Nice to hear from you.
RispondiEliminaLovely things you are showing us.
Hug Stina
Your pink transferware tea set is delightful!
RispondiEliminaAbsolutely gorgeous!!
Not sure if this is your Pink Saturday post but the pink porcelain is lovely. Have a great day.
RispondiEliminaHappy Pink Saturday...
RispondiEliminaLove your tea set...
Welcome to Pink Saturday! I love all your red transferware. I love your blog design...the pansies are gorgeous!
RispondiEliminaHappy Pink Saturday!
Hello Rita! Happy Pink Saturday! This is my first time visiting your blog! Enchanting! I just love red transferware - you have a beautiful set! I will come back for more!
Hello Rita, Welcome to Pink Saturday. I love your blog design. Have a wonderful week.
RispondiEliminaRita, welcome to Pink Saturday. Your transfer ware is beautiful, what a joy to have around.
Beautiful tea set! I love shabby chic; I'm planning a dollhouse in that style also!
RispondiEliminaHappy Pink Saturday!
Chris Verstraete
Searching for a Starry Night
Welcome to Pink Saturday. The transfer ware is beautiful, you must love having tea in that cup.