Senza aver mai dimenticato il piacere dell'appuntamento del White Wednesday ospitato graziosamente da Kathleen di Faded Charm, ho purtroppo dovuto astenermi dal partecipare per numerose settiname.
Con l'estate al suo culmine e tutta questa luce attorno a me, ho sentito il desiderio di giocare un pò a cambiare e spostare i mobili per dare all'appartamento ancora più luce e carattere.
Ecco quindi alcuni scatti degli scorsi giorni. Niente di che, ma soltanto un'occasione per riprendere le buone abitudini.
As time goes by I realized that for several weeks I didn't join in the fun of Kathleen's White Wednesday weekly appointment. Not that I had had forgotten nor lost the pleasure in participating, just that I've got carried away by my daily routine to an extent that in the evening, which is the time I usually post or visit my dear bloggy friends' blogs, all I could think of was going to bed as soon as possible, thus neglecting my blog for quite some time.
Now that Summer is here, with all the light all around I felt the urge to play with my furniture and accents and rearrange them in order to give me apartment some character and a Summer look. Wasn't it about time?
The pics I'm sharing tonight are nothing special and to top that off didn't turn out that nice either, but they were taken on the spur of the moment for the simple pleasure of sharing. Hope you'll enjoy!
E ragazze, non dimenticate di fare un salto da Kathleen @ per godere della bellezza delle centinaia di foto postate dalle altre partecipanti. Buon divertimento!
And girls, do not forget to go visit Kathleen @ to have fun checking out the hundreds of fab pics shared by the other talented and creative participants.
Have fun!